Recently, writing up rules / guidelines on how to prep a campaign or even a session seems to have kind of fallen out of vogue, and I'm starting to wonder if this is because people don't expect / don't want to be told how to prep a game session. In designing my own stuff, I've taken the position that prep rules are still good to have, even if people don't use them, but I've started to wonder lately if I've been going overboard.
As a practical example, here's some rules I wrote up on how a GM could run a "GM Turn" between sessions of a Forged in the Dark game. I wanted to be thorough, designing it as a sort of mini-board game, but now I'm wondering if having so many rules devoted to the "lonely fun" of preparing a campaign will turn potential GMs off. As usual, any feedback / criticism is welcome, though they're mostly included to illustrate my larger point about Prep.