Hello. I purchased this title and have been playing it for hours. It's a great little roguelike. I particularly like the 3d symbols and 3d feel of the world. It really adds to the genre and gives the game a unique aesthetic.
I have a few questions from a roleplaying standpoint, which may also be suggestions depending on how you look at it or your design philosophy. Please keep in mind that I haven't got very far yet. Walked around, killed some baddies, went to a town and here I am. I'm mostly interested in your design philosophy before I go ahead and suggest people buy this game.
1. Are there any NPCs I can interact with? I realize I'm an angry Old God, but are there any tribals or worshippers of the old way that won't immediately attack me on sight for no apparent reason? How can that wandering Human Merchant tell that I'm an Old God and why does he care? Does just the possession make my character's eyes glow red and start extruding black, corrupting ink onto it's surroundings or something? I'm confused from that respect from a roleplaying standpoint.
2. Is there any objective (or any intended objective) beside wipe out all life in Dreamland? Gods need worshippers. If you kill everything, you rule over an empty rock. With the sole exception of perhaps a Lich Necromancer, I don't really feel that objective is conducive with roleplaying and allowing the player freedom of choice to shape the world. It might be interesting playing as a God of Fertility and getting more points by "Winning" the game while killing AS FEW enemies as possible, changing the game from a grindfest to a long-term balance of resources, in this case worshippers and souls.
3. Is there any storage, or how persistent is the world? Is it safe to leave my wood and some backup food in one of the houses I've slaughtered the inhabitants of?
4. Lastly, is there any town building, manipulation, ect? I kind of imagine some time in the future, my Vampire Count will be able to have his own manor with a coffin in the basement. My orc could have a war tent. My troll, a gore pit. My lich a ziggurat. My catperson a giant cardboard box filled with yarn. It could be interesting having the duality of character that might emerge from destroying your mortal body and needing to leap into an inferior vessel. You need to serve it's needs or it's soul will become distraught and unstable. This also ties into the previous comments. It's better to force the mortals to their knees than into their graves in most cases. It would be interesting to enslave some mortals and force them to build a giant temple in your name or something. You might even be able to take sacrifices, awarding you souls that could be generated in script rather than finding an empty tile with more symbols to slaughter.
Thanks for your time and your contribution to gaming. Even without my rose-tinted ideal of what the game could be, it's still a genuinely fun experience with some great visual aesthetics and an interesting crafting and weapon destruction system reminiscent of something like Breath of the Wild.