Another big changeset this week! Probably the biggest one for a while as we've sort of run out of stuff that we were still working on at the start of the alpha but didn't put in builds. Really looking forward to hearing thoughts!
- Passive Auras
Auras are a system we've been messing with for some time now, and we thought now would be a good time to unleash it upon the alpha-playing masses.
Auras work in the same way that the teleporter orbs do -- they're a thing that you hold on to, and if you get damaged you drop it. Instead of unlocking teleporters, auras give you a passive effect. Right now we have 17 passive effects in the game. Thanks to Jamie on the forums for helping us brainstorm some of these! If you have ideas, definitely post them on this
Right now you get auras from a room in the camps between biomes (not including the basecamp). I've been having a blast seeing how the different auras affect my item decisions, and playstyles as I move up the mountain, and we're all really curious to hear what you think! I've started a thread for discussion here.
- Enemy Spawning
Over the last several days I've reworked enemy spawn weights, and selection. One of our goals is to give each biomes a unique feel and gameplay challenge. We hadn't reviewed our spawning numbers in a long time, and things felt a little out of date since adding new enemies, etc. This may make the game feel easier, it may make it feel harder. These are some of the hardest changes to adjust to emotionally since your perception of the quality of a run is forced to change.
- Gem Economy Tweaks
After reading/discussing in a
thread, I decided to experiment with some gem economy tweaks. The goals of these tweaks are to encourage killing higher-health enemies, and bring more decision-making to the economy. Changes include
- 1 HP enemies always drop 1 crystal
- 2 HP enemies drop 3 crystals 66% of the time, 5 crystals 33% of the time
- 3 HP enemies drop 4 crystals 66% of the time, 7 crystals 33% of the time
- Post-jungle camp shop prices are increased 50%
- Post-desert camp shop prices are increased 100%
I've been having a ton of fun with these changes, so I'm curious to hear what everyone else's experience is
- Small Changes
As always there are so many small things we want to tweak -- since I was working on auras most of the week I only got around to a few of them.
- Add timeout to enemy homing shots so they don't follow you forever
- Add shrapnel description to homing seed (thanks clangmuir!)
- Changed fly enemy sound
- Spawner enemies spawn a maximum number of enemies. Slowed down the spawn rate. Those spawned enemies now drop crystals.
- Made small non-follow spider sfx quieter than the large pink follow spider sfx so they can be distinguished
- Appearing shooter health reduced to 1
- Remove vertical laser as a pre-planted plot in the world
- Add new post-jungle camp music
- Increase avalanche cost
- Added music for summit boss
- Added pre-summit boss camp with friendly seed who will help tell you what to do
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug where the seed would get launched into a camp and you couldn't move the vine up! Thank you to everyone who reported this issue including jamie, clangmuir, and geraldkelley on the forums!
- Rotating lasers respect invisibility (thanks clangmuir!)
- Mortar enemies respect invisibility (thanks clangmuir!)
- Fixed bug where getting hit in a camp while carrying an aura broke the game (thanks hartlaboratories!)
- Fixed bug where enemy spawners could never spawn more than the number of eggs they have