beds are maxed out and filled (20/10/3). Moved 2 jail occupants (and 1 more) to farm to collect eggs from 3 snails and provided a manager. No end of day report. Emptied farm and put everybody back. End of day report restored.
Just checking, the code added needs to have the tabbing as specified in that same post, otherwise it won't work. The "if" statement should have the same number of tabs before it as the "else" statement, not the same number of tabs as the "state.customcursor" line.
There should be a second panel that looks like a terminal or command prompt and starts with the game, are there any error messages on it when ending the day?
I copied a bit more of the code. It appears to me that the if is under the else. My editor seems to be set to 5 space tabs and this code seems to be using 2 space tabs. I'm not sure if that is the problem. It looks ok to me in both places. Also copied the error msg from the dos window.
if state.customcursor == null:
state.customcursor = "res://files/buttons/kursor1.png"
if !state.mansionupgrades.has("farmmana"):
state.mansionupgrades.farmmana = 0
gameloaded = true
if str(state.currentversion) != str(gameversion):
print("Using old save, attempting repair")
SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'farmmana' (on base: 'Dictionary').
At: res://files/scripts/
To verify, you have saved these changes and restarted the game? Changes to the script only take effect on next start of the game. I see no issues with the code.
It could be the editor causing problems as gdscript can be whitespace sensitive, though generally so long as the number of tabs are correct then the number of spaces that represent the tabs should be irrelevant. As far as I know, some files use 2 spaces for tabs, but most use 4. If it doesn't work you may need to use the bugfix I posted in the mods channel of Discord.
Edit: seems to use 2 spaces instead of tabs, Sublime Text interpreted that as 2 spaces for tabs. The rest of files just use tabs, not spaces. So the number of spaces that represents a tab is left to the editor.
Perhaps it's your save file. I assume you're using a save file from previous version?
There's no farmmana in there. Just add it in mansionupgrades after farmhatchery.