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A member registered Aug 23, 2019

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Well I was hoping the way to increase them in like game way. Similar to upgrade bedroom to increase participants. But I guess it's not possible. Thank you for your reply. 

Quick question: is there a way to increase Interactions per day?

Personally, I like the idea of penalty instead of dying when lost in battle. Because I think almost all of the player will just reload the last save file when they died.

Thx, it works. I copied a line from loadimage function itself. 

func showbody(i):
    if globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull) != null:
        $Panel/bodyimage.visible = true
        if'bodies', 'naked')):
            $Panel/bodyimage.texture = globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull.replace('bodies', 'naked'))
            $Panel/bodyimage.texture = globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull)
    elif nakedspritesdict.has(i.person.unique):

Nevermind. Just realize it's a gdscript question, not a strive one.

(3 edits)

Hi Striver, I know this is a newbie question. Anyway, how to check if file exist for loadimage? I thought using null would work. 

I'm trying to give naked picture for sexscene. What I want is, if image exist in naked folder, load them (success); if not, load the image in bodies folder (blank, it still trying to load the image from naked folder).

Here's my modified script in

func showbody(i): if globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull.replace('bodies', 'naked')) != null: $Panel/bodyimage.visible = true $Panel/bodyimage.texture = globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull.replace('bodies', 'naked')) print(i.person.imagefull.replace('bodies', 'naked')) elif globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull) != null: $Panel/bodyimage.visible = true $Panel/bodyimage.texture = globals.loadimage(i.person.imagefull) print(i.person.imagefull) elif nakedspritesdict.has(i.person.unique): ...

Sorry, I don't know what it means. I just copy-paste the code from '(?<!fe)male' parts

Just noticed this in

# Avoid matching DarkElf for Elf

I think it should be (?<!dark)

You're right, I was referring to the one in the inspect screen. And 370x608 seems right.

So, 500x1080 is the official size? I was looking for it but couldn't find it. Where does it stated?

Nope, too tall.

What is the ratio for full body image? I just can't get it right.

Tnx for the explanation. Now I don't have to looking for victims with "like it rough" anymore. :D

Yes, I already did that. "Was forced" still zero.

Game version : 0.5.25
Your OS or if you are playing web version: WIndows 10 (there's a web version?)

Bug description: 
I'm not sure what it does but I got error message when initiating sexscene.

SCRIPT ERROR: startscene: Invalid get index '0' (on base: 'Array').
At: res://files/scripts/

Note: I'm using old save game from 24, so maybe it's not a bug afterall.


Quick suggestion: Maybe you can add  a few rare slaves. Like something you can collect? Maybe similar to Tia (?) from Cali's side quest. With two or three positive traits, but more difficult to tame and higher chance to escape even while wearing handcuff..........
Okay, now I saw it in writing, I guess it will be more complex than I thought. (I haven't got far progressing in story, so if something like this is already exist later in the game, just scratch it)

How does the game define was forced? 'Cause no matter what I did, the count always 0. And yes, I already raped them. repeatedly.

Found it. It's from a game, Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG

Wow, you know your stuff. Not yet can confirm if he's the artist, but I found similar what I'm looking for. Thanks for pointing that out.

(1 edit)

Have you checked their luxury requirements?

Does anyone know the source for these pictures? I got it from portrait packs but I don't remember which one. And I kinda already edited and renamed them so no tags. Google Image search return empty.

So that's why. Ok, got it. Tnx for clearing that up. I 

Huh, didn't know about this. I just edited my save file. Add farmmana in mansionupgrades  after farmhatchery.


Perhaps it's your save file. I assume you're using a save file from previous version?

There's no farmmana in there. Just add it in mansionupgrades  after farmhatchery.


Heya fellow strivers, quick question about hair, skin and fur color for some races.

Take taurus for example. In I noticed there's no item for skinhaircolor, or furcolor. So, where do they get theirs?

Command line works. There's a bit trial and error because the dll path, but other than that it works perfectly.

Great, thanks for the info.

HI everyone. Can anyone tell me how to compile the source code after editing? (Sorry for the stupid question)

(1 edit)

What I mean is, before player can spend slave's AP for MUP, they have to get the minimum obedience first. Without it, it's just too easy to get MUP. Like in my first game, I have a bunch of MUP without having to sell a single well-trained slave.

Ah i see, thx for clearing that up. I thought that to sell the product you have to release them. My bad.

Hi, I noticed that when slave's obedience is low, you can't assign them to combat group. Is it possible to apply this to attr points (AP), therefore player have to train them first before they can manipulate the slave's AP?

The reason is, player can quickly accumulate mansion upgrade points (MUP) by harvesting AP from freshly captured slaves before selling them (that's what I did anyway.). It kinda defeat the purpose of the MUP reward from selling a well trained slave.


On another matter, it seems I couldn't earn anything  from my farm. Checking the sell production for gold when releasing the slaves didn't do anything.