Post any questions relating to usage, installation, etc. here.
Expanded Information on Controls and Any General FAQ Here as Well.
Controls - In All Modes Combining Keys is Essential.
In Drive there is more freedom to move around and the freedom to select colors & size of paintbrush as well as whether it is circular or square. Some controls do different things in planet and different things in drive so check it out and experiment! Also when switching to planet or drive, the existing image is not lost.
DRIVE (Default settings)
SETTINGS MENU IN DRIVE (expands functions)
PLANET (Default Settings)
SETTINGS MENU IN PLANET (expands functions)
General FAQ
How do I install on linux?
On linux, unzip the downloaded and simply run the executable. There is also an icon included if you want to add it to your applications folder or desktop!
How do I install on windows?
On windows, unzip the downloaded and simply run the executable.
How do I install on MacOS?
On MacOS unzip the downloaded and simply drag the .app into your applications folder or run from where you have extracted it. Occasionally, the Mac App may not run initially, if this occurs try right clicking on the app then selecting Open from the dropdown list which may allow the app to run as this is a specific Mac security feature.
How do I enter fullscreen?
Press [Alt+Enter]
How do I save images I make?
It is recommend to use the PrtScr (PrintScreen) button on your keyboard to take a screenshot. Moon does not have a built in image saver but this works well; especially in fully screen.
What if I have other issues?
Please don't hesitate to leave feedback, ask questions.
Feel free to contact Moon at if there is anything more.
There is also an HTML & Java Version of Moon you can run with any platform via a browser. Contact