Hello! I'm planning on selling a comic here, and thus I'd like to know something beforehand. I have two questions about it:
>If someone buys my comic, are they able to re-download the file whenever they want? For example, they may have deleted the downloaded file by accident and want to read it again.
>If the answer to the last question is yes, in case I need to edit my comic, is there a way to replace the updated file without deleting and re-uploading? For example, I see a typo and I want to change it.
I assume that, if re-downloading is possible, if I change the file then itch.io doesn't consider it bought, so the person that bought it wouldn't be able to download the new file. The file would be a zip, btw, if that matters.
I didn't see a replace button anywhere, but maybe I just didn't notice ^^U
I hope I wrote this easy to understand... Thanks!