Having played through a couple of routes and variations, I'm really loving this. The story has a lot of wonderful hooks, and I've been enjoying abusing browsing the glossary as highlighted words have come up.
On a lark I tried entering a deliberately-bad-for-parsers first name "{b}Ari{/b}" to see what might happen (maybe my name in bold? Maybe some spare curly braces would be added? that kind of thing) and I tripped an error fairly early in the game. I've captured the traceback log at https://gist.github.com/JimTheCactus/670bcc481219ddc9a376e6a095fe7018
Not a critical bug by any measure (who even does this besides programmers?) but I figured I'd throw it your way while you guys were still in dev in case it got you thinking about ways to abuse it for fun and profit.
I really enjoy what's there so far, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing the rest of the story! Keep up the good work!