Hey Rocket Jump Technology,
Winter is coming so I am looking to your work over the last 6/8 month. I am running 2.7 and came from 1.15. First thing that I encounter is that the save game is not valid anymore, sounds reasonable. So I left my save games with some test scenario's (big camp) and started over.
The first thing I noticed is the resource and settlers tab, great. The one thing I miss is to prioritize things. At the start that can be come in handy. Like cutting rocks into stones. The food harvesting automatically gets prio so that's good.
The game also still runs smooth so that's good.
I saw some strange things:
- At the start you get Iron plates, I haven't seen that before. What is the 'normal' purpose?
- Dwarfs carrying a rock walking in some circles in the resource zone before bringing the rock to the stonemason. I saw this multiple times on different spots. Note: I was running on full speed, it seems like a waste of time.
- Order a door to be build on a spot with a rock on it is valid. But when the stones for the door arrive and the rock is not picked up yet the dwarf will return to the resource zone with the stone. In my case this is a huge wast, because I had this with 2 doors on the same time and saw 4 dwarfs (out of the 7) do the same trip at the same time. Also the distance was long. I suggest a easy fast fix to not allow the build because the space is not empty.
- My miners do not mine any more (still year one), see screenshot. For days the miners do not mine even when Idle. I think the cause is that I planned some mining but saw the stockpile of rocks. So cleared the mining and start over to only mine out one room for the carpenter (I need barrels for the feasting hall). I will keep the save game for if you like it. I will run it to year 2 to see if order dwarfs will start mining also. Then I will try again :)
- The bedroom comfortable size has increased from 12 to 13 spaces, why? I like some symmetry so 15 or 16 spaces will be optimal then.
- What was the max room-size in the mountain again, like then to use pillars?
- How to cancel more then one ordered wall builds? I tried a outside building but found out that the space was to small. I had to cancel each space at a time, that seems wrong.
- What is the purpose of the Earthworks? Oké, for building a large room outside the mountain.. but.. can you explain? I had some out door kitchens and a feasting hall 'outside' by building a square with walls.
- Is it possible to add the feature for exclude or include resources in a resource zone. Even in the first spring it you can have some large spread for resource zone's. One close to the forest near the sawmill, one close to the stonemason, the start zone, one close to the mountain. Now I see that new stones are stored by the forest (the zone most away) then collected again to get turn into a block. If you can make a zone only for some type's of resource that would help allot. (Note: this is from my second start).
For the fun of it, this is a image for what I have created:
Keep up the good work!