I post Blender because it is the easiest to work with .blend files and Unity. I've done a lot of VR builds and building the models with .blend files is so much easier than anything else when putting that headset on thousands of times. If you don't like blender, maybe you like texture painting? I'm sorry, I have had too much trouble with other 3d programs and the fbx file type. Way too many headaches in the past.
I have a large amount of projects I wish to complete, tons of polished code, working scenes / nearly full games. My health has been bad so to pass the time I lay down a lot, and put small time in certain areas of numerous projects. I am an advanced programmer with Unity. I'm sorry I am not looking to pay at this time, but looking for people to connect with, possible partnerships for future projects. I have a track record of completing projects, putting the hours in (before I got sick), and making highly polished versions of projects. I did publish my first VR game with Steam last year, "Asteroid Turret Defender VR".
I can trade Unity C# code for artwork if someone out there really has a problem with getting their game/project to work properly. I would also like to find more friends for Game Jams, especially if I get my health back. I really like to program and make games but within the last 3 months my health has really taken a toll on me. If I make anything atm it is rather slow, but I promise I do take projects seriously. I'm just not the speed I used to be.
I am on Discord, ZaCkOX#2706 and email, zacko1000@hotmail.com
Some of the projects I wish to complete have pieces from my demo reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26BJ8zRsDyE Looking to complete the game IT Overclockers, but the newest project version is much better than the video.