My initial slaves get stressed red easily after a few battle. Almost making them useless in battling.
So how to reduce these stress accumulated in battle? Could upgrading or teaching them courage any help?
The key to reducing stress gain from combat is not having the Coward trait(or the Quick trait to a lesser extent) and dealing lots of damage to reduce the number of rounds.
Generally, most people ignore stress until they are done with combat for the day and use stress reduction like spells, rest while still out exploring, equip stress reduction items, or a personal room.
Stress in combat is rl poorly implemented system in my opinion
courage 100, hp above 60% and pretty mush anything dosnt matter in stress calculations, alvays +3 for turn
you can delay stress by using most rush techniques in combat, ignore healing, defending, thinking, just hit very hard with double attack weapons or acid spit :D
, you need to alvays keep sedate as last emergency option