I'm a bit confused about the systemmanager at the moment. i will write what i think how it works and you can correct me, where i'm wrong. if you don't have much time to answer, just say so. then i will try to look through the souce code and make an image for myself.
Worker distribution: let's say i have a system with 20 workers where 5 are needed for food and i want 10 worker in industrie and 5 workers in research. that's a ratio of 2:1. is it necessary to put industry to a priority of 40 and research to 20 or is it enough when i enter the ratio -> industry to 2 and research to 1. (EDIT: tested it, the ratio is enough)
Use stored food: distributes the worker so, that the system doesn't starve but also doesn't accumulate thousand of food (can be a negative food production if there is plenty of food in storage) (don't seem to work when the production queue is empty)
optimize industry/safe moral loss: no idea
bombardement warning: does this warn after the first bombardement or if a bombardement can be posible (enemy ship in orbit)
min morale: the minimum morale which it tries to maintain in the system
min morale prod: the minimum morale production per turn
take on/offline: activates/deactivate building which need energy. But after what criteria?
energy consumer: the builings which will be managed by the "take on/offline" funtion?
exceptions: the builings which will not be managed by the "take on/offline" funtion?
now some questions to the autobuild. it says it builds the same buildings how the ai would do it. can i influence this somehow. For example i want to make an system my primary titaniumproductionsystem and it should build mainly titanium mines and the necessary food, industry and energybuildings. is that possible? if yes, how? Or maybe, don't build new buildings just upgrades the existing ones.
That's it for now, thanks for your time and effort.