Haven't plawed the Relewded part of the game yet, so all of these notes are for the Proper Counceling portion.
There are around four points (three to five, I lost count, and only screenshot the first two) where the image is way off from where it should be. While their horizontal positions are correct (or close enough to correct that I didn't notice it to be out of place), their vertical positions are halfway down the screen.
And the more frustrating psrt was I found out I have a habit of clicking to make all the text appear at once, except in this particular Kenetic Novel, it skips the text etirely… there are about tweleve blocks of text that I didn't get to finish reading because not only does clicking completely skip the the text, but there's also no [sc]rollback…
That's about it. Besides those two points, I reather like the Proper Counceling portion of the game. I will play the Relewded portion later.