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Workshops calendar as of now Sticky

A topic by Annatarkov created Feb 14, 2017 Views: 3,410 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 8
(2 edits) (+4)

Hello jammers!

This is our workshop calendar as it currently stands. We will likely be adding to it in the coming weeks so check back if you don't see anything that interests you.

Some workshops will be live over Google Hangouts and also broadcast on YouTube, others will just be pre-recorded videos that we will release on the given date. Stay tuned to our Twitter account and this community page for further details. If your schedule doesn't permit you to participate in a live workshop, have no fear. Video of it will still be available.

(3 edits) (+6)


I am one of the people organising the workshops!

Be aware, that the claendar shown is in GMT0, just click the +GoogleCalendar button on the bottom to add it to your own and see everything in your own timezone :)


Yay! I can't wait to share my workshop with you on the 24th Feb.


This jam is amazing! And the schedule looks great, nice to see Heartbeast on here. And the one on the 24th - I'm always looking to queerly rep it :D


Glad you're interested in the Queerly Rep It workshop! It's running a little late (there were some audio issues with the file) but it should be available soon~


oh wow! so much amazing workshops! I don't even know if I'll be able to participate in the jam but I'll try my best to watch those!


I am so excited that audio is getting special representation!

this looks amazing, will some of the workshops be saved at all on youtube?

(1 edit) (+1)

"Some workshops will be live over Google Hangouts and also broadcast on YouTube", "If your schedule doesn't permit you to participate in a live workshop, have no fear. Video of it will still be available."

Reading is often a good solution when looking for an answer.

Are the Saturday workshops available? If so where can I see them?


Hey! Coming online soon, we just had to edit them a tiny lil :)

thanks heaps, yes it usually is I read this on a bus so only had time to glance thanks for clarifying for me.

That's such incredible workshop tank you. I can find the date in the calendar but not the hour and the communication canal, where can I know precisely the where and when ?

Hi Sam!

Only some workshops are live - so only they have times.

You can find all the workshops on our youtube channel, where they are also streamed and there is live-chat :)