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DopeFish: Now Open Source!

Doom/Hexen Interactive Map loader for Game Maker Studio 2 · By LemonToast Games

What is DopeFish Good For? Sticky

A topic by LemonToast Games created Dec 03, 2019 Views: 680 Replies: 3
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Developer (1 edit)

A lot of you are probably asking yourselves, "Self, why would I want to load maps from some other game into my own game?"

The answer to that question is simple. You wouldn't. Copyright laws wouldn't let you sell your game if it contained content copyrighted by someone else.

So how then is DopeFish useful for you?

Imagine setting up a 3D scene in game maker without using any assets. You have to create vertex buffers to represent your 3d models, each polygon of your model is made up of 3 vertices, each getting roughly a single line of code to add to your buffer. For a simple 3 sided pyramid you're looking at a minimum of 11 lines of code just to build the mode.

Now imagine what it would take to create a complex 3D level using that same method. I would just die, that's more work than it's even worth when compared to how easily one can display complexe 3D scenes in, say, Unity, or UE4.

Now instead, imagine building a level using a well established tool like Doom Builder 2:

Complex geometric shapes like these can be created with a few simple clicks. Assigning textures and placing objects into the scene is just as easy. You can even change environmental settings like light level by just using the mouse wheel. Imagine if you could load that level you just made into Game Maker with just a couple of lines of code and it would JUST WORK.

This is the goal of the DopeFish to put the power of the easiest and fastest level building workflow into the hands of Game Maker users. Complex events like triggering a door to open when flipping a switch on the opposite end of the map, or stepping into a new room only to cause the ceiling to come crushing down on top of you are not only possible, but so easy that you don't even have to program them into your game. The map importer will handle those events for you!

Imagine not having your sprite resources filled with hundreds of textures. Instead DF can load those straight from the wad file itself, decluttering your resource tree.

Importing your own textures and sprites into a wad file is pretty simple using an app like Slade:

Loading your assets from the wad file instead of adding them into your resource tree means that you can expand the content of your games without having to rebuild your source code.

DF aims to be the easiest way to create 3D environments in Game Maker with a retro aesthetic.

Hopefully this post has helped to shed some light for those of you who may be wondering what this thing is all about. If you have any further questions please feel free to leave a comment below. Or check out the FAQ here in the DopeFish Community!

wow this is cool.

This seems like a pretty neat tool. I don't use game maker but this kinda makes me wish I did.

Is there any recommend doom features clone for shooting and raycasting in gamemaker?