After updating I am getting an error when I try to do certain editor functions:
[Error] The name 'validateAppearance' does not exist in the current context
I believe its because of this code:
#if UNITY_EDITOR //just for updating when the editor changes
internal bool validateAppearance = false;
public void OnValidate() {
if(font != null && !font.dynamic)
if(font.fontSize > 0){
quality = font.fontSize;
Debug.Log("You're probably using a custom font! \n Unity's got a bug where custom fonts have their size set to 0 by default and there's no way to change that! So to avoid this error, here's a solution: \n * Drag any font into Unity. Set it to be 'Unicode' or 'ASCII' in the inspector, depending on the characters you want your font to have. \n * Set 'Font Size' to whatever size you want 'quality' to be locked at. \n * Click the gear in the corner of the inspector and 'Create Editable Copy'. \n * Now, under the array of 'Character Rects', change size to 0 to clear everything. \n * Now you have a brand new font to edit that has a font size that's not zero! Yeah!");
//quality = UseThisFont.fontSize == 0 ? 64 : UseThisFont.fontSize; //for getting around fonts with a default size of 0.
//Debug.Log("Font size is..." + UseThisFont.fontSize);
style = FontStyle.Normal;
//apply automatic quality
quality = (int)Mathf.Ceil(size);
if(size < 0f){size = 0f;}
if(readDelay < 0f){readDelay = 0f;}
if(autoWrap < 0f){autoWrap = 0f;}
if(verticalLimit < 0f){verticalLimit = 0f;}
if(minPitch > maxPitch){minPitch = maxPitch;}
if(maxPitch < minPitch){maxPitch = minPitch;}
if(speedReadScale < 0.01f){speedReadScale = 0.01f;}
validateAppearance = true;
validateAppearance = true;
You have code which declares a validateAppearance only in editor but are using it regardless. I think the validateAppearance needs wrapping like this:
validateAppearance = true;
When I did this it fixed the issue.