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Outpost: Glacier

If the world became a cold arid place would you still be able to survive? Outpost is a game all about surviving the cold · By Doomlord Interactive, Hampus Vretinger, Fleijdar, dannedillchips, Lovisa Pärli, Vincent Brandt, Verryet, Sabina Byström, Nemonkey, AndreasBT, mikael.karlsson, Vilhelm Lindroos, Alfred Ruckle

Suggestions Sticky

A topic by Alfred Ruckle created Jan 14, 2020 Views: 1,671 Replies: 19
Viewing posts 1 to 12

Please tell us what you would like to see in Outpost Glacier.

We have a lot in store for the future but we also want to know what you would like to see in the versions to come!

Please share your ideas with us and the community.

My GTX 1070 Ti getting 100% load.

And no saves for now?


We’re currently working on saving the game and hope to deliver it to the community ASAP. 

Having more graphics settings options would be nice. I can't really play the game since it defaults to a higher quality, and my computer can't quite handle that. Additionally, I'm just not a fan of motion blur.

I understand if this isn't a high priority right now, though.

Deleted 5 years ago

Hi MelanieFS,

Sorry to hear you are having performance issues. We are working on improving performance where we can as many of the environmental effects are quite graphics and CPU intensive. We will do our best to make the game as performant as possible and we hope you will get the chance to play it without any hickups in the future.

Also a big thank you for notifying us about motion blur. We will make sure to add an option to enable/disable it as soon as possible! We understand that it's something many players don't like. It sometimes happens that we overlook simple things like that and we greatly appreciate when you bring them to our attention.


(1 edit)

the game itself is going good! what i would like to see is more challenges, a storyline, history as in maybe someone tried to survive there, there is a reason i'm in that particular spot, and other mechanics, great start

I am really enjoying the graphics and idea of your game!  Just started playing it and understand it is still being worked on extensively, so I am unsure of what to add here for suggestions.  I have ran into bugs, which is to be expected.  I did find the submarine!!! That was cool!  Finding random things like that in the world is fun.  

I am hopeful that we will be able to build an actual building or bunker where maybe we can have our storage, maybe learn to grow food in a temperature controlled room or a big greenhouse.  The snowmobile is a great idea, but the energy drains fast so I just park it and walk everywhere.  Maybe a portable device or solar panels so we can charge on the go?   

I am with Marxxiez - a storyline would be great!  Maybe finding abandoned bunkers, etc. to go with the storyline would be cool, too.  There is that submarine, so that is a start of something!

Weapons - not sure if there is a plan for them, but so far we just have our tools to gather meat with from the few critters in the world.   BTW, the giant seals are awesome!  

That's all I can think of right now, but will add more as I play. 

A story mode would be great but I imagine that will be a while until all of the mechanics are ironed out.. 

Pretty solid experience so far besides for some save issues that will make me have to completely start over.. that and exploring edges of the map can be dangerous, I fell through ice  and was trapped.. it was a glitch since I could see through it like the texture was broken.. But overall this is probably my favorite game I've found on so far despite it being so early in.

Would love to have remappable keys (left hander). Also left and right directional buttons currently look only. Would like those to be move left and move right. 

+1 to have the option to disable motion blur. Worst invention in games.

Love the look of the game. Will keep an eye on it.


There should be no motion blur in the game, it's disabled by default.

(1 edit)

Hello game after start freez and cant do anything just alt+F4 tried several times but nothing  :( can u help me ? Thanks my SYST I3 16G ram 2G video card all new games works perfectly but win7 64bit serv pack 1

Outpost Glacier not working 

A Map would be Helpful

hey looks like a rlly cool (ha get it?) game but is there a way to put a download as zip file besides like using a converter? because last time I tried to convert rar to zip it scrambled all the files like jumbled them all into one folder and i'm no developer and couldnt figure out where everythign goes. thanks


What do you mean with converter?

well my computer (yes is windows) can't open .rar files and ive tried file converters like winzip and whatever but it all shoves everything into one folder each time and can't run games because wrong file locations and whatever


Can you join our discord so I can help you more efficiently?

(1 edit)

I would like to see really immersive gameplay, the slightly cartoon art style is very immersive (but realistic graphics would be just as good) so is the inclusion of storms and stuff, but I'd rather them be realistic storms and not whatever the electric bubble thing. I'd also like the machine's animations to look less cartoon, and I'd like the jingle sounds to be less cartoon too. I'd just like the game less cartoon (but not enough to ruin the immersive world) or get repainted with a realistic art style.

Also, I'd like the character models made slightly more realistic and have it's face be completely covered so when you're in multiplayer, you don't look at the character model and see some video game guy, you just see whoever you're playing with.

As well as this, a large map would be great and maybe even the tower showing you where to go, I sorta like how the game directs you around and also lets you play freely, so being told where to go but nothing more would be great. This could be an awesome ice cave with an exclusive resource in it for example. Going to this location should feel like an expedition, you should have to travel for days and camping out with campfires and tents during the night, and walk during the daytime. You should have to repeat this 3 or more times per distant location, and the night camps should be permanent, so when you need to go back to the location, you already have the shelter you need. Due to this, getting the time right should be emphasized, when you plan to go back somewhere, you should have to leave at the same time you originally left at so you make full use of all your camps. When you get the location, you should have to set up a more professional camp with metal shelters and storage bays etc, and should have to spend multiple days at the location, collecting resources for example. Maybe if you're playing multiplayer, you're encouraged to set up shifts, such as one player collecting whatever resources you need to survive until the same time the next day before joining the others in whatever the special location gives you.

I'm personally just looking for immersive, innovative features like what's above, as immersion is what this game should strive for in my opinion.

(4 edits)

Game looks very eye-candy and unique from graphics standpoint, keep doing awesome job in that direction!

I think such game should be more psychological. There are ways to do it, but I would like it to be MMO'ish, so players could team up with potentially dangerous strangers (other players with changeable nicknames, who may have their own plans!) to travel to more difficult zones. No map - traveling should be based on rumors about what could be found where... each new base spot or talking to strangers brings new rumors on where the next spot is. That story puzzle is fun while you are in beginners zone, and becomes vital when you travel deeper into the beautiful frozen hell! That way collecting information on your own will take long time, pushing players to collaboration instead. Leveling/research/perks/items should be temporary for current life. The only score in leader board is a sum of  days you survive, multiplied by zone difficulty (that is exponential of cause). If you die, the score gets dropped to zero, in order to make people value their lives and think twice who they trust. 

This game still being developed??