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Grenades/Abilites/Commentator Update

A topic by Pillowsackninja created Mar 11, 2017 Views: 247 Replies: 2
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I think you should add grenades, but it's not just the shrapnel that kills robots like Spidertron Bombs, instead the actual explosion kills them.

I also think you should add abilities. So, like, there could be a strike that can cut swords and hammers in two, or an abilitie that makes everyone close to you fly back. The possibilites are endless!!!

And as a final thing, I think Comment-A-Tron and Analysis Bot should comment on your moves and kills while you're fighting.

With this update we've laid the groundwork for abilities that are not weapons.
We'll probably add more in future updates!

So you think we are not food enough?!