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[Art] Looking for someone to help with 2D art and animation for a small project (no money))

A topic by Catbugpig created Mar 03, 2020 Views: 244
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Hello, my name is Jacob. I've been working on a small project that I plan to work on for the next month or two. Right now I've been working on it myself, but am hoping to get another hand on board to provide the art and to bounce ideas off of.

The game is a 2D, platformer,  rogue like, with some inspiration from "Pilgrims Progress", "Spelunky" and a couple other rogue likes and platformers. Right now I plan for it to be fairly simple, but I am open to different ideas and look forward to collaborating.

I can not pay, and have no expectations of earning anything. If later down the line it turns into something bigger than we can talk about charging, but I have no expectations except to make a good game.

Let me know if your interested and I can give you some more details.
You can also message me on Discord: