There's a small, but thriving speedrunning community around this. Any chance we could get a level select?
Join Bernie's movement and transform the United States in this free retro 2D platformer. · By
There's a small, but thriving speedrunning community around this. Any chance we could get a level select?
Hi! I've actually been keeping up with the speedrunning community around this, because I love speedrunning (as a spectator).
Normally I'd support the speedrunning community like this in a heartbeat but we've already lost a lot of time working on Super Bernie World that we really couldn't afford (we're a very small studio) and so I can't promise that this'll happen any time soon, if ever.
However, I do know that Chounard, another runner of the game, has been poking around the source code, so I'll talk to him and see if he's up for creating a community modded version that allows level warping.
Sorry for the delay, it's been a busy weekend.
I've got a custom binary together that supports level select. Just choose your level at the main menu, then hit "New Game" like normal.
Just unzip the file into the same folder as the official SuperBernieWorld.exe file (don't worry, it won't overwrite) and then try running Unofficial_SuperBernieWorld_3PN.exe
Please let me know if you have any trouble! My web server is a little slow, so let me know how the test goes, and if it works fine, we can find a better place to host it, and then let the speedrunners over on know about it. Thanks!