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problem starting ERAS II

A topic by Ultralex created Mar 30, 2020 Views: 546 Replies: 8
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Hi with this period of inactivity due to the problem of this damned virus I wanted to re-download the ERAS II is unfortunately perhaps I am unlucky I have a problem when starting this application with the Launcher Maelstrom when I try to start ERAS II ..

Maelstrom, however, when I start Age Of Pirates 2 City of Abandoned Ships Genltleman of Fortune the other game mod always downloaded through itch does not show signs of startup problems but everything goes smoothly

the error presented to me is the following

I also tried to download the folder several times always through Itch but always the same result

can anyone tell me how to solve that problem?


That error is shown when you launch Config.exe and either the files are missing, or the language.ini is not updated for a list of languages.  Since your directory looks correct, I wonder if the language.ini file is not updated?  If you navigate to RESOURCE\INI\texts and open language.ini, does it look like this, with the [ConfigList] section at the bottom?

defaultLanguage = Russian
;defaultLanguage = russian
;defaultLanguage = french
;defaultLanguage = german
;defaultLanguage = dutch
;defaultLanguage = spanish
;defaultLanguage = italian

strings = common.ini
GlobalFile = globals.txt

English = english
Spanish = spanish
German = german
French = french
Russian = russian
Italian = italian
Dutch = dutch

English = fonts_eng.ini
Spanish = fonts.ini
German = fonts.ini
French = fonts.ini
Italian = fonts.ini
Russian = fonts_rus.ini
Dutch = fonts.ini

cfgLang = Russian

it seems to me everything in order with this file I think ... 

do I try to reinstall Eras II again?

(2 edits)

because I noticed something that on itch is not in my "INSTALLED" collections

maybe there is some problem with Itch with my PC maybe I have to reinstall it again ...

This error is trying to launch the config.exe.  Where are you launching config.exe from?  Itch client, or double-click from that directory you showed the screenshot?  Are you trying to launch the game?  Because I don't see the game ever presents that error in your screenshot...only config.exe shows that specific error.

I try to start the game by clicking on the director in the folder on the screenshot

because when I try on Itch it always sends me back to the folder and I was unable to connect it in order to start it automatically unfortunately I don't understand Itch: D

Are you launching Maelstrom.exe or Config.exe?  That message should only appear if Config.exe does not understand the current, working directory.  But if you are launching Maelstrom and you see that, I might have an idea about the reason.  Open the start.ini file with a text editor like notepad and make sure the firstlaunch setting is zero.  Do a search in the file to find firstlaunch and it should be this:

firstlaunch = 0

If it is equal 1, then Maelstrom.exe will launch Config.exe instead of the game and maybe that is why it can't find the correct directories.

I noticed that my start.ini is empty and I don't understand why it is that I downloaded it again from Itch ...
But I don't understand why my Download always starts from 0 when it comes to the end in practice I have an infinite download of the mod

in practice I started the download last night ... and it started again several times ... but the funny thing that doesn't create me other equal folders of ERAS II I don't know what this could be ...

Well this explains your error, if start.ini file is empty.  I don't know why your Itch download is corrupted or why it fails, but claims the ERAS project is updated and complete.  The only thing I can suggest is click the Settings for ERAS in the Itch client, then the Manage button, then the Re-install button then wait for it to complete.  After completion, then open the start.ini to see it was properly updated.  If it still fails to properly update the start.ini file maybe contact their support if it continually doesn't work.