Suggestions to make.
Game is really nice and relaxing, and I totally enjoy it from time to time while working (no issue for my employer 馃槣).
As I'm kinda in the "end game" now, i'd like to get more content like more rooms or a garden, new plant, maybe some exotic or"alien" plant, and other pieces of furniture and decorations, maybe the chance to change music or use personal mp3s.
Something useful would be a simplification of the inventory, as I'm trying to get some 5 star plants, I'm getting overwhelmed with normal plants, would be nice to be able to organize them better, or even sell them. For the same reason, the purchase of plants should be more easy, for every plant bought I have to click about 5 times, then place the new plant...
Another improvement could be swap places with plants, like I get a plant to move, then I swap place with another one, which will be in my hand to be placed elsewhere.
Also, it would be amazing to get a mobile app 馃榿