Hi, I finished a c# course in school, and have done some udemy unity c# courses by gamedev,tv.
Now I would like to find a team to work for, so I could put to practise what i've learned and learn more :)
Hello, I'm 22, you can contact me by email: rubenmateus.info@gmail.com or discord RaymanX11#7145.
Have my linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/rubenmoleiromateus/ , hmm samples of my work, I only have my school projects here: https://gitlab.com/RubenMateusPT , altought none of unity.
This is my own work. Are you interested in working on it? I'm 21 years old
I sent a request via discord, I've working on my low res art style if you're interested. You can check me out here https://www.deviantart.com/pixelgamerdev