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Movement, barn, saving, and several miscellaneous questions

A topic by csonnich created Apr 27, 2020 Views: 305 Replies: 8
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Let me start by saying again that I really love this game and it's a lot of fun! I'm so glad you've been working on this and updating so often. I'm really excited to see what else is going to come out!

Anyway, I'm sorry to put all these issues under the same post. I've been collecting a list as I run across them in the game.

Character Movement Issues

I've read some other posts here about this, and I've been trying to articulate exactly what the issue is. I think it's that when I move, it's hard to predict exactly where I *and* that red box will end up. For example, sometimes I move "one" space and the red box also moves one space with me. Sometimes, I move "one" space, and the red box doesn't move. 

What I've figured out is that what I think of as a "square" - the space occupied by one object, like a stone, is actually subdivided into half-squares. But moving one time sometimes moves me a whole square and sometimes half a square. This is very frustrating, for example, in the mines where two rocks are spaced one square apart, enough room for me to move between, but my character is between two half-squares instead of two whole squares. If I move once, she moves again to between the next two half-squares, and  I still can't walk between the rocks. I have to walk several squares away and then come back to line myself up correctly. Also, sometimes it looks like I'm standing with space to walk forward, but the object next to me juts out a tiny bit, causing me to first attempt to walk forward, fail, and have to turn around and back out to walk around it. This happens with tree roots as well as the rocks in the mine (it happens elsewhere, too, but those are the ones that get me the most). 

This is also a problem for trying to pick up things with the red box. When I'm moving around using the arrow keys, I don't want to have to constantly go back to the trackpad/mouse to select something, I'd rather just navigate there with the arrows, but that's unreliable since I don't know how to move to get the box lined up exactly the first time. This is an issue whether I have the box fixed to my feet or waist.

What I wish is that my character and red box moved one whole square each time and objects were on whole squares so that movement would be predictable and navigation would be much less frustrating.

Barn/Animal Movement & Spelling Issues

- there are ladders on the wall, but when I walk up to them, they are in front of me (this has happened in some other areas with ladders as well)

- I can walk through birds; cows & pigs walk through each other - this isn't an issue so much as it seems bizarre

- there's a spot in the barn next to the pitchfork on the right fence which is empty but I can't walk through it

- barn menu says "Livestoke Status" instead of "Livestock Status"

- When I first got an animal, Mel told me "Now that own an animal be sure to feed it daily" - that sentence is missing "you"

- in the Perks Menu - "sheep sheered" - should be spelled "sheared"


Is there a way that we could manually save between midnights? I've twice lost almost a full day's work because the game glitched and I had to close it, resulting in it reverting back to the previous midnight.


- I wish when I moved things to my storage or inventory, they'd combine to become the max amount in that square and then move the leftover to another square. As it is, you can't combine them at all unless the combined amount is less than the max. It would make it easier to keep track of how much I have this way and to carry around only what I need to.

- It would be great to be able to see exactly where we are on the map, like having a map in the corner of the screen. The big map just has my character in the middle of the area I'm in, but it's hard to use that to navigate.

- I would love a help section in the character menu with the tips I've received from the game/characters and how to use tools, where to find basic things, ore requirements for bars at the forge, etc. A few times a character has told me something essential and I either accidentally closed the conversation too early or later forgot it and wasn't able to go back and find it again. At the beginning of the game, it took me a very long time to figure certain things out (like that you can use the shovel to remove tree stumps, for example).

- I would love a "Wishlist" section in my character menu where I can save items from the catalog I want to buy so I can keep track of what materials I need to get for them. 

- It was weird to me when it turned into summer and the sun was still setting at 5 or 6 PM. It seems like day length should vary with the seasons.

- It seems unbalanced that basic minerals on the lower levels of the mines require the same numbers of hits as the more valuable stones. I'm on level 120 and it's taking 7 or 8 hits to get quartz that I can get on level 5 for 2 hits. You may have some reasons for this, but it's really annoying when it happens! :)

- Are there plans for more plot developments coming?? I would love to see some more development of my and the other NPCs' stories! Developing friendships/romances, narrative arcs, etc.


That’s uh, that’s a long post. I’ll try to answer things in this in as orderly fashion as I can here.

As far as movement goes, the ideal way to play the game at the moment is with a keyboard and mouse. I understand that this can cause issues for laptop players though. A while back it was suggested that I make a control scheme purely for the keyboard. It’s something I hope to eventually do, but I couldn’t give you a time frame unfortunately. While I would like to just put it in, adapting a game that was made to use a mouse to just a keyboard is going to be quite a bit of work. Still I will do my best to accommodate as soon as I can.

In regards to your comments on player alignment. The system that is in the game is similar to Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon. It isn’t perfect, but it’s the best this genre has come up with so far. That said I do have it listed to take another stab at alignment for the interaction tile to see if I can get it to feel better. I’ve gotten several comments about it feeling off and personally I can understand that. So, in short it is something I’d like to revisit, but as you might guess there’s a lot vying for my attention with the game in alpha. Hopefully that doesn’t come across snarky, as I don’t mean it like that.

As far as the ladders on the wall thing goes yeah, there are some z ordering issues. The whole engine needs a rework, until I do that there are several oddities that won’t probably align above or below you. It is however on my list of things to do soon.

You shouldn’t be able to walk through livestock unless something has gone wrong with patching, which for that particular aspect at least, I find unlikely. What version of the game are you on?

I’ll check the collision masks in the barn to be safe on the pitchfork thing

The Livestock Status title has been noted, my artist is in the process of correcting it.

I’ll check dialogue for Mel.

I’ll also correct the spelling on the perk.

As for saving I don’t really want to give you the ability to save at any time because it opens up opportunities for people to abuse systems in the game. Basically, save scumming could easily become a thing if I allow that. It would likely have several other unseen consequences. It is one of the things I’m more adamant on. I am sorry you’ve run into glitches and lost progress. Hopefully, you are playing on the newest versions. As far as I can tell few people run into game breaking bugs at this point. Or if they are, they aren’t reporting them. While it probably isn’t the kindest answer, I’d rather not alter the save system to compensate for temporary problems. The bugs will eventually be gone.

I’ll check into stacking objects. That code for inventory management is fairly old, it was one of the first things I wrote into this game. There were a couple of other related things I was going to check in the near future, I’ll add this to the list to see if it can be done.

Other people have mentioned wanting some sort of minimap for the game. I haven’t determined exactly what I want to do but I am brainstorming on it.

Its been suggested by another player that there should be something that they specified as “helpfiles” which would basically serve as a smaller in game wiki. I’m not opposed to the idea, but it would require a lot of time to put all the information together and present it well, not to mention commissioning any related art. Once again, I’m not opposed to doing something like this but it falls under Quality of Life. Changes like that are important, but I have to balance them against fixing bugs and adding playable content to the game.

Wishlist has also been suggested, its something I wouldn’t mind doing, but as I said above QoL stuff has to be balanced against other things. Still, it’s something that will probably go in some day.

The day night cycle could vary per season, I’ve noted it down as a potential change to make.

Quartz will be more relevant down the road so you can obtain it at any level. I’m also not sure what version you are playing but mining was rebalanced I think on version 0.17. Still further balancing is probably required so I’ll take your comments under consideration.

Further development of NPCs is definitely planned. It’s one of those things that is on the backburner at the moment. First, I’d like to just get everyone in the game. Once that is done there are still tons of quests to add, which in my personal opinion give at least a little bit of flavor to characters. Relationships and marriage will obviously be a thing later on as well.

Finally, to explain it briefly, the “topic” button you see in conversations will eventually have a different purpose. The general plan is that as you play and explore the world, you’ll unlock topics of conversation with NPCs, usually things that are relevant to their character. These dialogues should be a bit more extensive and serve to give characters more depth. This sort of thing will probably play into a friendship system of some sort. The reason this stuff isn’t there yet is mostly because in terms of bang for your buck (hopefully that’s a universal phrase) having extended conversations is a pretty small amount of gameplay. I’m under the assumption that people would rather have the larger gameplay systems added rather than a one-time paragraph of extra conversation.

Hopefully that answers everything for you. I feel like I just typed a small novel.

Haha. Yeah, again, sorry about the long post! Thanks so much for answering all my questions!

I've updated several times in the last few days. I believe I updated to the latest version a few hours after you posted it, so all the things I mentioned (like the livestock issue) apply to this version (I think it's 0.18.4?). To clarify, I am able to walk through chickens/geese, and I've seen my pig and cow walk through each other. Related, I've also noticed that if I walk in front of the pig, causing him to have to stop, he will sometimes start spinning rapidly back and forth. This doesn't stop until I leave the barn.

As far as saving, I understand your concern. Even saving every 12 hours instead of 24 would help, though. There's a lot of progress you can make/lose in 24 in-game hours. I had to go back and re-mine a hundred or so ore, turn in a quest again, and repurchase 5 or 6 pieces of furniture. This was today that that happened.

Thanks for taking our feedback into consideration. I'm excited to see how everything develops!


I’ve noted down the things about livestock so I’ll check them when I get the chance. You say that today the game crashed for you. Care to elaborate on that? If there are bugs that cause the game to completely break I’d like to take care of them immediately. And if you are going to elaborate on that I’d prefer as much detail as possible. Like literally no detail is to small, explain it like I’m a child.

(1 edit)

I don't have a ton of details. I was doing my normal daily routine feeding my animals and going to the mine, and suddenly I couldn't interact with anything. Neither the left nor right mouse button worked. I wasn't using a mouse - I changed the left/right button hotkeys to F and G - but they weren't working at all. I tried everything I could think of - moving to a different area, interacting with different things. I also tried clicking with my laptop's trackpad. Nothing worked. I finally had to close the game and reopen it.

By the way, I also noticed running around today that I'm now able to walk through some trees. I don't remember this happening before the latest update. I think they're walnut trees (it's winter so it's hard to tell, but they're dark wood). The tree behaves like I would normally expect except when I approach it from the front. When I get right next to the tree and can't move any more because the tree is in my way, suddenly the trunk is on top of me. I thought it was just one tree, but I checked, and it happened with several trees, but only that one kind. It didn't happen with other trees that I could tell. I was in the area just west of my farm. 


I suppose you don’t remember the last thing you did before stuff stopped working? The mines seem to be the common link so maybe mining is messed up. But yeah what you are experiencing is basically something that happens when an animation doesn’t finish properly and the player gets locked into a state of thinking you are performing an action. Since it thinks you are doing something all the time it doesn’t allow you to act. It used to be far more relevant but from what I understand the bug obviously still exists but is somewhat rare.

So, for the tree thing can you actually walk through the tree trunk? As in the object literally doesn’t stop you, or does the tree just appear in front of the player when you are close? I ask because those are two very different things, one of which is a far larger problem than the other.

I want to say I was in the mines, but I'm not positive about that, because right afterward I ran around several different places to see if it would work somewhere else.

No, I can't walk through the tree, it just appears on top of me. I guess that's some kind of layering error.


Still good to know, thanks for the details, my guess is something is wrong with the act of mining, seems to be the common denominator most of the time so I’ll comb over it.

Also thanks for clarifying on the tree thing, the z order system seems to be on its last legs. Once archaeology is in, hopefully by the end of this week, that’s next on the list of major systems to rework.