Let me start by saying again that I really love this game and it's a lot of fun! I'm so glad you've been working on this and updating so often. I'm really excited to see what else is going to come out!
Anyway, I'm sorry to put all these issues under the same post. I've been collecting a list as I run across them in the game.
Character Movement Issues
I've read some other posts here about this, and I've been trying to articulate exactly what the issue is. I think it's that when I move, it's hard to predict exactly where I *and* that red box will end up. For example, sometimes I move "one" space and the red box also moves one space with me. Sometimes, I move "one" space, and the red box doesn't move.
What I've figured out is that what I think of as a "square" - the space occupied by one object, like a stone, is actually subdivided into half-squares. But moving one time sometimes moves me a whole square and sometimes half a square. This is very frustrating, for example, in the mines where two rocks are spaced one square apart, enough room for me to move between, but my character is between two half-squares instead of two whole squares. If I move once, she moves again to between the next two half-squares, and I still can't walk between the rocks. I have to walk several squares away and then come back to line myself up correctly. Also, sometimes it looks like I'm standing with space to walk forward, but the object next to me juts out a tiny bit, causing me to first attempt to walk forward, fail, and have to turn around and back out to walk around it. This happens with tree roots as well as the rocks in the mine (it happens elsewhere, too, but those are the ones that get me the most).
This is also a problem for trying to pick up things with the red box. When I'm moving around using the arrow keys, I don't want to have to constantly go back to the trackpad/mouse to select something, I'd rather just navigate there with the arrows, but that's unreliable since I don't know how to move to get the box lined up exactly the first time. This is an issue whether I have the box fixed to my feet or waist.
What I wish is that my character and red box moved one whole square each time and objects were on whole squares so that movement would be predictable and navigation would be much less frustrating.
Barn/Animal Movement & Spelling Issues
- there are ladders on the wall, but when I walk up to them, they are in front of me (this has happened in some other areas with ladders as well)
- I can walk through birds; cows & pigs walk through each other - this isn't an issue so much as it seems bizarre
- there's a spot in the barn next to the pitchfork on the right fence which is empty but I can't walk through it
- barn menu says "Livestoke Status" instead of "Livestock Status"
- When I first got an animal, Mel told me "Now that own an animal be sure to feed it daily" - that sentence is missing "you"
- in the Perks Menu - "sheep sheered" - should be spelled "sheared"
Is there a way that we could manually save between midnights? I've twice lost almost a full day's work because the game glitched and I had to close it, resulting in it reverting back to the previous midnight.
- I wish when I moved things to my storage or inventory, they'd combine to become the max amount in that square and then move the leftover to another square. As it is, you can't combine them at all unless the combined amount is less than the max. It would make it easier to keep track of how much I have this way and to carry around only what I need to.
- It would be great to be able to see exactly where we are on the map, like having a map in the corner of the screen. The big map just has my character in the middle of the area I'm in, but it's hard to use that to navigate.
- I would love a help section in the character menu with the tips I've received from the game/characters and how to use tools, where to find basic things, ore requirements for bars at the forge, etc. A few times a character has told me something essential and I either accidentally closed the conversation too early or later forgot it and wasn't able to go back and find it again. At the beginning of the game, it took me a very long time to figure certain things out (like that you can use the shovel to remove tree stumps, for example).
- I would love a "Wishlist" section in my character menu where I can save items from the catalog I want to buy so I can keep track of what materials I need to get for them.
- It was weird to me when it turned into summer and the sun was still setting at 5 or 6 PM. It seems like day length should vary with the seasons.
- It seems unbalanced that basic minerals on the lower levels of the mines require the same numbers of hits as the more valuable stones. I'm on level 120 and it's taking 7 or 8 hits to get quartz that I can get on level 5 for 2 hits. You may have some reasons for this, but it's really annoying when it happens! :)
- Are there plans for more plot developments coming?? I would love to see some more development of my and the other NPCs' stories! Developing friendships/romances, narrative arcs, etc.