- Select the starting text, the line that has "Creature Name CR Level"
- Select all the way to right before ECOLOGY
- Copy the text and paste it into the left side of the tool
- Click on the "Parse Text" button to extract the data to the right side.
- Validate the data was imported correctly
- In Roll20 create a new game (if you don't already have the "Pathfinder Community" optional character sheet activated).
- Goto the Journal, "+Add" a new Character
- Click on Character Sheet Tab, select "IS NPC" and then the Settings Icon
- Clear out the pre-generated Name
- Switch back to the tool, select the "Paste stats" button (the tool will minimize) and re-select the "Name" field in roll20. You have 5 seconds.
- Wait 5 seconds, and the tool will paste in the data.
- Click on the parse button and validate the data was transferred correctly.
- Drag the Character over to the map to place the token.
If help is needed, please refer to the video
Optional Create "All" macro
- Click on the "Collections" menu option
- Under Macros click the "+ Add"
- Enter
- Name: "All"
- Actions: "%{selected|allmenus}"
- Select the checkbox for " Show macro quick bar?"
- Save the macro and drag it onto the menu bar if it is not already there.(below your portrait on bottom left).
- Click on the token and click the "All" macro to see the Whisper Chat of options.