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A member registered Apr 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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The code is now open source:

In the directory where you downloaded it try
java -jar ./<version you downloaded>

Such as 

java -jar ./PfToRoll20-1.0.2.jar

Give the release version a try. I added support for the Official Roll20 sheets. However Melee, Range and Special Attacks, along with Spell Like/Spells need to be manually entered.

Correct, i'll be looking into supporting "Pathfinder by Roll20" output during the beta.

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Beta is released

Please add workarounds & solutions to issues using the tool.

(2 edits)

Parsing Tips:

PDF Tips:

  • PDF's add a line break to format the text around images and borders. They also can split the NPC stats on multiple pages. The tool will fix some simple formatting issues, but special care needs to be taken when pasting from PDF.
    • Keep an eye out on Senses, Feats, Defensive Abilities, Melee, Ranged, Special, Feats and Skills. These usually have a lot of text that can wrap to a new line. You will need to bring them all onto one line after pasting by removing the hard line break.
    • The tool will remove the line break if the line ends in a comma (signifying a list of items one after another).
  • Some PDF's treated +1 as +i and had random spaces in words like "I nit". I tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Foxit and they all had issues when copying text from those PDF's.

Paste Tips

  • In the Pathfinder Community Sheet, please do not hit the  button more than once. It doubles the attacks, feats, spells and such causing a lot of lag. Just delete the token and re-import using the tool.
  • Melee & Range text that have the word "trip" will be parsed by Pathfinder Community as a CMB type attack. Thus Omnipath's "tripple-jawed bite +26 attack will be parsed as "CMB" vs "CMD". To avoid this in the Tool, change the name from "tripple-jawed" to "three-jawed". I haven't tested but i'd assume "disarm", "bull-rush" and other keywords should not be used un-intentially.
  • Please keep an eye out for iterative attacks that have a weapon bonus such as "+1 keen rapier +23/+17/+13". The Pathfinder Community sheet would parse the +1 as the 1st attacks bonus instead of the +23. The tool will remove the bonus if the melee starts with a bonus, or "Huge +2 club" will become "Huge Club" however with multi-attacks such as "slam or +1 keen rapier", Will NOT be auto-fixed, and will need to be corrected manually.

Mac Tips

  • You will need to allow this Tool to "take control" and paste data into roll20. Under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility, select Java
(2 edits)


  1. Select the starting text, the line that has "Creature Name CR Level"
  2. Select all the way to right before ECOLOGY
  3. Copy the text and paste it into the left side of the tool
  4. Click on the "Parse Text" button to extract the data to the right side.
  5. Validate the data was imported correctly
  6. In Roll20 create a new game (if you don't already have the "Pathfinder Community" optional character sheet activated).
  7. Goto the Journal, "+Add" a new Character
  8. Click on Character Sheet Tab, select "IS NPC" and then the Settings Icon
  9. Clear out the pre-generated Name
  10. Switch back to the tool, select the "Paste stats" button (the tool will minimize) and re-select the "Name" field in roll20. You have 5 seconds.
  11. Wait 5 seconds, and the tool will paste in the data.
  12. Click on the parse button and validate the data was transferred correctly.
  13. Drag the Character over to the map to place the token.

If help is needed, please refer to the video

Optional Create "All" macro

  1. Click on the "Collections" menu option
  2. Under Macros click the "+ Add"
  3. Enter
    1. Name: "All"
    2. Actions: "%{selected|allmenus}"
  4. Select the checkbox for " Show macro quick bar?"
  5. Save the macro and drag it onto the menu bar if it is not already there.(below your portrait on bottom left).
  6. Click on the token and click the "All" macro to see the Whisper Chat of options.
(2 edits)

Due to moving to Foundry and lack of time. I have open sourced the application if others want to update it for their needs.

Please post any suggestions or features you would like to see implemented. 

Received the following requests:

  • Mac support - Technically since this a Java Swing application it should work with little to no changes. I'll test prior to releasing a beta.
    • Mac support was tested in the Beta and is available.
  • Support for "Pathfinder by roll20" sheets - While in Beta mode, i'll look into altering the output to work for the "Pathfinder by Roll20" sheet.
    • Added support for the official Roll20 sheets on v1.0 launch.
(1 edit)

Please comment here and I will notify you once the beta is available.