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Missing files

A topic by TriorityN created May 13, 2020 Views: 177 Replies: 4
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Hello. It looks like you haven't uploaded the complete set of files. In order words, you need to upload the ZIP file created by Ren'Py when you build a distribution



Forgive my ignorance, but when i finished the Demo, i just went to Ren'py, clicked "Build Distributions", Chose the available versions possible (Windows, Mac, etc.) and converted it. I didn't do anything before this. Even though i put a couple of links of other versions of the game that can perfectly work (they are in google drive sharing links), once they carry all the files a game folder has.

If you wanna tell me a suggestion or anything on how to solve this problem, i would appreciate it.

What happens is once you're ready to release a product, go into Build Distributions and select the operating systems you want to build for, and then click on "Build".  The result ZIP file is the one used to upload to most places (including Itch).  It saves to keep it on your Google Drive


How is it now?

Yes. that's fine !