I really like TIC-80 and I'd like to support your efforts in some way; since I can't help you directly by coding I'd rather prefer to send you a small donation. For this reason I just bought TIC Bundler and added an extra 20$; More or less it's the same amount I paid for purchasing Pico-8 last year, I know that is not very much and I'd like to be able to do more because your program might be free but your personal time spent on developing isn't.
Have you ever considered to open up an account on a crowdfunding site like Patreon.com ?
With an account anybody could send you a recurring donation, even just 1 or 2 dollars per month. It doesn't seems a lot of money, but if you can manage to collect 50-100 donators maybe you could collect at least 100-200$ per month. I'm already a (very small) donator for LibRetro (the multi-system computer & console emulator) and Thorbjørn Lindeijer (author of "Tiled", an open-source tile map editor).
Your time spent on developing TIC-80 is precious, it's so promising and I'm really looking forward seeing many new features implemented and my biggest fear is that someday you might run out of interest and abandon it; and of course IMHO you deserve to get something in exchange for your hard work.
Thank you and best regards