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[WIP]ShootOut 3rdPerson aRPG

A topic by SillikOne created May 22, 2020 Views: 1,160 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 22
(7 edits)

Work In Progress!

ShoutOut [CodeName]  is WIP, that means you can test the game as it is but it's under heavy development, the demo/test version is published for players to help in the process.

  • By finding bugs and report them
  • By giving feedback, feelings, ideas, opinions...
  • By making video streams that greatly help building a great User Experience
  • By having fun and share with everyone, helping marketing

The Story:

  • The world:

22nd century, there are still remains from the 21st and even from the 20th. But the 22nd century came with its own Revolution: Interstellar travels. Humankind is now in the process of colonizing a whole new world.

Humankind is now "unified" so to speak... No more nations, the world is organized around city-states ruled by private corporations on one side, and the "wildlands". Not much is known about life as a wildlanders. City dwellers view it as a wild, lawless, dangerous and merciless place, populated by bandits, savages or hippies.

  • The place:

ThornPoint is a small suburb of Radiosa, a megapole. The town is maily ruled by 7SidesCorp, a gigantic corporation working on high technology weaponry, biological & chemical and which regurlarly charter intersellar exploration missions.

  • The characters:

Live the fate of one of four characters:

Jack, a police officer recently appointed chief of the police departement of ThornPoint.

Sophie, just finished her graduation in sciences and came first. She's been raised and educated by 7SidesCorp, the corporation which rule ThornPoint, and now start her carreer as Pr VanDerLinke assistant.

Amanda Sloane, a mercenary. She's waiting for a contact to brief her on her next contract at the GrandHotel, in ThornPoint.

Romeoa kid of ThornPoint, orphean he was raised and trained as a thief by Johnny Wilkinson.

The Game:

  • The maps:

The main map is a small district of Thornpoint.  Villains are spawning in strongher (in number) waves each time one is dispatched. This is for testing AI and shooter mechanic in the context of open urban areas.

 There are 6 Interiors maps accessible via a short loading screen.  Player can find food, bed and recruit squad members there, depending on their alignement.

There is a Procedural Dungeon system implemented. The entrances can be found in the main exterior map. There we can test closer by encounter. Beware, better go there accompanied or well armed.

  • The Weapons:

Pistols, Revolvers, Assault Rifles, ShotGuns, Sniper Rifles, Syringe Guns, Grenades... and more to come. You'll find the one fitting your style!

  • The Skills:

FireArms, CloseCombat, Sciences, Technic, Speech and LeaderShip are the 6 skills the player can choose to learn and perfect.

  • The Squad/Team:

The player can recruit bots to help in his goals, the system will be greatly expended in the future, with levelling, equiping and managing a crew.


The game fully support GamePad or Mouse/KB

For basic control, please, refer to ingame Menu->Settings->Controls accessible on the Main Menu or by pressing Esc/Select.

Some specials:

  • Aim+Jump will perform a dodgy roll
  • Reload with weapon holstered to eat/drink and restor Stamina
  • Syringe Gun: Reload when already loaded to cycle through toxins
  • Syringe Gun: Pull the trigger whithout aiming to Self Heal
  • Squad: F/RightShoulder will toggle squad orders follow/Stay
  • Squad: Holding F/RightShoulder to order squad to "Advance"

Thank you for participating to this project!

New build !

Play the current very private version : ShootOut

Password: DeDiJoLo

  • Added Save System
  • Added Map Transition
  • Added Interior map GrandHotel
  • Added Interior map Cantina
  • Added Interior map PoliceStation
  • Added Interior map SevenSidesCorp
  • Added Interior map Brothel

Build 06-05-2020 "A kind of population"

Play the current very private version : ShootOut

Password: DeDiJoLo

  • Added Population to MainMap
  • Added Population to Cantina
  • Added Population to PoliceStation
  • Added Item PickUps Persistence through MapTravel and SaveGame
  • lot of bug fixes, tweaks... and new bugs
(2 edits)

If you cant be with the one you love, love the one you're with.

Play the current very private version : ShootOut

Password: DeDiJoLo

Last week was more about behind the scene update.

I did some optimization, solidified what I got so far, cleaned the code.

This build is about Player Party. Player have the oportunity to recruit team mates whom will fight for their leader and protect him/her.

For now, there are three police officer ready to join player's party at the entrance of the police station. Just ask :)

(1 edit)

Stamina System & Rest

Play the current very private version : ShootOut

Password: DeDiJoLo

In this build I added a stamina  system. Unlike usually seen in this genre, this Stat is a long term one. It symbolize what the player can achieve, energy wise, in a full day.

It will be a major concern when exploring wild areas or "dungeon". Hit Points regeneration is directly tied to Stamina, from 100% to 0%, meaning when Player is exhausted he won't regen any HP.

When exhausted Player won't be able to sprint, jump or climb, also.

There are two (for now, chemicals will come later) ways to restaure Stamina : Resting in a bed and consuming food/drink.

The game has an AutoSave feature. It is triggered when travelling (loading screen) safe places and also when sleeping.

It saves weapons, ammunitions, HP,  Stamina, party members and some other suff. Loading a game spawn Player in his/her current shelter.

Please, try it out and leave me a word :)

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks alot for taking time to playtest and give feedback!

There are 5 recruitable npcs at the moment: 3 in the police station, and 2 in the grand hotel. They should all respawn after 20 minutes playtime.

there is alot to iron out, that s for sure, and its planed 🙂

Avout the staggering, you re so right, I put that issue on side cause I am not sure how I will implement it as of today. It s on my todo list...

The villains are just there to quickly test the shooting mechanic and ennemy AI. So I just placed a spawner in this corner of the map😇

Tomorow I am travelling, so i won t be very responsive. i ll do my best. will be back in 3 or 5 days.

i ve no discord for now😅

Thanks again for taking time to try it out!

Tried your game.

Love the art style.
And yeah, same as above, It seems that Your control is set for AZERTY keyboard? surprise me a bit, haha. because I am QWERTY user.
But after switching to Game pad, everything is ok.
Just the aim speed is too fast. (but that is minor thing.)

the shooting, with gamepad, is quite interesting, and easy too, it seems you apply aim assist a little bit? because sometime i just don't aim directly to the enemy but the bullet is hit somehow.
Just one thing, the animation of switching to scope mode in sniper, is a little bit slow for me. and if I do it in a long period if time, might make me dizzy.
And the crosshair is blending with enemy make it hard to spot on. (I believe you already put UI improvement on your to do list. just saying)
Overall, the shooting mechanic is good enough, pistol aiming, manual reload, aim assist for gamepad, 
And the shotgun it is super OP, you could shot a person once, and once they recovered the shotgun is ready to shot again. happen to me, it is like death sentence when get shot by it. lol
The sniper enemy will just run around the town without shooting. maybe because by default the sniper don't have ammo?

3C, is quite good, need improvement of course, but good enough.
Love how the character will look back if the camera is aiming to his back. and sometime rotate the body also.
The camera shaking up and down, might need to be a little less intense? Might make someone dizzy.

might need A marker for NPC we could ask to follow.
Save system is working fine.

Oh and I encounter 1 crash issues.
So, I found this drone, flying above the street near enemy spawn zone. then I aim and shoot it, Then the game crash.
seems I can't reproduce it again though.

And I stuck when aiming with sniper rifle, it just can't get back to normal cam.
Can't reproduce it either.

Sorry for the long post.


Thank you so much seenchan, your feedback is very valuable! 

it will definetly help me improve the game.

it's nice also you played with gamepad, cause i implemented support for it,  but dont test it so often!☺

there is an aim assist, but you have to activate it in the settings menu. i guess you experienced some bullet spreading i implemented to be tied with the skill sydtem, later.

i will find out this sniper zoom bug. its quote major, i guess you had to quit to main menu to solve it... that is harsh, sorry.

i will investigate thouroughly into this crash you had. i will definetly find this bug and crush it.

about the aserty keyboard, i did not realize it was the default set up. sorry, i will set up a qwerty profile by default cause its the most common.

thanks again for tajing your time to write feedback!

(1 edit)

Build 07102020 is some adjustement from testers feedback here on


  • *****
  • Seenchan

So, from your feedbacks and findings:

I added aim sensibility slider in the settings menu.

Added Settings in GameMenu

Added Save Settings System and restore to default.

Fixed a super anoying bug throwing Player out of the map in SevenSidesCorp

Well it's not much this week, but I had to drive from Paris, France to Peniche, Portugal with my rig and settle my summer studio here :)

Hopefully the good Atlantic air will boost my productivity next week!

(1 edit)

Narration First Round

Hi folks !

This week was quite rough, whole a lotta work.

I worked on a key feature of the game : narration.

I had to solve a lot of logic, to create a system as versatile as I could to be able to write & implement narration efficiently and quick.

Also I had to think ahead, because that is only the first round, the basic - I'd like to implement a very unique way of telling stories.

My goal is to be able to manage four stories, with choices that really matter in the whole thing. This build is the fondation : Narration can be created quite fast, with states being saved ...

 Next week, this will be expanded, stay tuned :)

I also added some minor tweaks and fixes...

Notably you'll now see an exclamation mark when Bots have something to say. Also, they will wait one second before talking, so if you just cross them you won't be annoyed.

Play the current version : ShootOut

Second round is out!

Play the current version : ShootOut

The narration system is coming together. 

It is quite easy and fast to add squences, now. Also a first rough is operational for choices during sequences.

Please note that for now the story is fully improvised on the fly, just to test the versatility of the system.

I'm quite happy how this second round turned out, the first one almost put me on my knees :D

Still a third one is needed for next week, then back on the gameplay.

Also I added a basic Graphics settings slider :

And as usual, fixed some bugs, tweaked some features.

Play the current version : ShootOut

Thanks for reading :)

(2 edits)

Squad Orders & Fixes 'n Tweaks


This week is about whole lotta fixes and tweaks. And some additions.

Play the current version : ShootOut


  • Squad Order System.

Squad will be a key feature in the final game. There will  squad management, and leveling system for them later. Some Player "build" (when the skill system will be up and running) could be centered on that aspect instead of personal fighting capacity, or even both.

  • Added Save of Squad Members appearance.

 You'll keep your buddies as they are wherever you go.

For now there are 4 orders :

  • Stay
  • Follow
  • Advance : Bots will try to stay in front of their leader
  • Retreat : Bots will try to stay behind their leader

To access Squad order the default input is F for Keyboard and GamePad Right Shoulder

If you already played the game you'll have to access the settings->Controls to initiate it :

Also, Mouse/Keyboarders can use shortcuts Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3, Numpad4 (will eventually be rebindable).


  • Crash to desktop in some occurence on killed Bot
  • Fixed AI hearing Sense, they will be more responsive beware
  • Fixed an annoying little bug preventing from waking up from bed

I discovered that the save system was kinda screwed some assets would save once and never again.  Not really visible until you played a while.

  • Food PickUps  and Bots will now respawn as intended.
  • Ennemy Waves will now be saved correctly.


  • Added a Message when Ennemy are spawning (thx Invadererik)

  • Added Ammunitions description for spawned bots drops (thx invadererik again)

Voila for this week!

Play the current version : ShootOut

A big thanks for all who read, a bigger to those who played, an even bigger for those who left feebacks and bug reports!
(2 edits)

You gotta work what you got

Play the current version : ShootOut

Hello everyone !

Squad/Team Management

Squad is defined as your partners in the field, Team is defined as the pool of buddies you lead be it in your squad or at your HQ.

Today I solidified the Squad System. Improving AI response and added a dedicated window for Squad Mamnagement in the GameMenu (Esc/Gamepad Special Left). There you can:

  • Release : send the bot back to your starting spawning point. In the future there will be requirement to access this: you will need a HeadQuarter, a certain Rank in Leadership and a bot Rank 2+.
  • revoke: fire the bot forever
  • Select a weapon for the bot to use. This will also be restricted in the future.

Skill & advancement

Introducing the base of the skill system. There are a total of 6 skills, 2 for each categories which are : Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

  1. FireArms will improve your personal ability to use these weapons and unlocks them.
  2. CloseCombat, same as above
  3. Science for the use of biological and chemical tools such as poisons, heal, crowd control...
  4. Technic for the use of high technology tools such as drones, terminal hacking, Hitech weapons...
  5. Speech will help you seduce, bribe, threaten and bargain.
  6. Leadership will be needed to grow a large and healthy crowd to help you.


I began to work on a journal to display your advancement in the story, it is dispayed here and also on the MainMenu.


A good part of this week was working on the UI. I cleaned it a lot, and made it as flexible as I could to be able to beautify it later. 

You'll notice the new Icons in place of texts in the Hud.

Please leave feedback, impressions, bug reports, streamed session, kind words! It is really appreciated, usefull and encouraging!

It is mandatory to delete any previous SaveGame, sorry for the trouble.

I made change in the Save System adding new variables, deleting others ect. This will be usual in this early phase, sorry again.

Thx for reading :)

Play the current version : ShootOut


Play the current version : ShootOut

Hello !

This week was quite complicated. I found out that the previous build introduced a whole lot of bugs. In fact almost nothing worked as intended. I found out that from now on i'd need a whole day, at least, to test the game and check everything is working as expected. That will be my new schedule, the week is 4 days long to add features, 1 day to test, publish and comunicate... and the week-end to clean the code.

Oh well, anyway! 

  • Grenades! I could implement the grenade. My goal was to implement more version : Smoke grenade, Poison, flash etc. But due the fact I had to debug so much I had no time. Nevermind, the main grenade system is running, it shouldnt be hard to add diversity :)

To access them (when you looted some of course) : Keyboard G Gamepad D-Pad Left!

Another one for the fun:

Play the current version : ShootOut


Play the current version : ShootOut

The Pink Kitty Club is opening its doors! Of course there is still plenty of work to do, well at least there are dancers!

No music or drinks yet, it will come.

I also worked on integrating a procedural level system, thanks DungeonArchitect from Code Respawn!

It's still rough, but the main layout is working, there is an entrance and an exit, and of course some fiends to dispatch!

Find out in the Shuttleport.

Beware, they can be deadly. More to come next week :)

Last but not least, a multitude of bug fixing, tweaking, tuning...

Well that'all folks! Not many talk this week, I'm quite tired : I screwed the AI code, lost one day to screw it more and finally had to reset to the last working commit which hopefully was 12 hours before :)

Still, screwing like that the day of the build is not quite the fun!

Thanks for reading, and playtesting! Please leave bug report, feedback and opinion! It is always usefull and appreciated!

If you got questions or wanna talk, don't hesitate to join me on any channel I feed!  Special mention for the page!


Play the current version : ShootOut

(2 edits)


Since I'll take a little 4-5 days break in the mountain side, I decided to use this small week to solidificate what I got, a kind of pre-polish :)

I used the new dungeon system to test the AI, I think it is a lot more solid now. Both ennemies and Player's party. Here is a run down a dungeon :

Play the current version : ShootOut

I get rid of the SquadOrderWheel. It was not usefull nor adding any tactic. Now there is a toggle follow/Stay(Keyboard F - RightShoulder Gamepad). I'll find out a way to improve tactics later.

I also put some attention on the Bots respawn system. It now "should" work as intended. aka: Bots should respawn after 20 min playtime.

I'll now work on improving dungeons design unless I find some important bugs to take care of! If everything is running smooth, you can expect another small update this week!


The Syringe Gun

Play the current version : ShootOut

Hey !

Today a new toy has arrived, both for player and Bots. Be it friendly or not. It adds a good amount of survivability!

The Syringe Gun can totally silently apply various chemical effect (for now poison and heal)!

How to use it:

I's like a gun, with 40m range, it launches a dart with chemical in perfect silence. To switch betwin the diferent toxins Reload while already loaded(this will cycle the toxins). To perform a heal to self pull the trigger whithout aiming.

Also I removed the ability for bots to perform headshots, was not really fun to be one shot! Even if it was quite rare. The counterpart is I augmented the chance for ennemy spawn in dungeons by 10%.

As I had to dive into the AI logic for it to use the new toy, I did a lot of tweaksand cleaning there. There is still some work to perfect it though!

Please, enjoy the current version, send me some feedback, opinion, ideas, reviews, hug or kisses!

Until next week!

Play the current version : ShootOut

(2 edits)

A new tool is at disposal!  Drone.

Play the current version : ShootOut

It's a little fragile mechanic, with some knowledge one can program it to perform useful tasks.  For now only one (lot more to come): it will generate a kinetic shield every 60 seconds for the whole squad. With such a tool, your longevity on the battlefield is considerably longer!

But, beware, your foes could well possibly own one!

It is very fragile, few hits will destroy it, though... And upon destruction, not only you loose its benefits but it also explode... better run, then!

Here we can see Jack and his squad using it :

As usual, a lot of bugs fixes, tweaks, improvement... and new issues. I'm particulary happy to have tracked down and killed an old crash... Thanks the drone, with it I could test some shootout against dozens of baddies, that made easier to reproduce the faulty method!

No really sexy screenshot to show this week! 

Thanks everyone who read this, and everyone who play! Don't hesitate to share impressions, feedback, ideas, bugs, hugs and anything you wish! It really helps!

Until next week!

Play the current version : ShootOut



This week a new tool arrived: an infrared sensor for the drone. It provides a pulse every 5s up to 30m, allowing the owner to detect life thru walls!

I worked on making it possible to embrace a more subtle way of dealing with villains. While crouching the player will be almost invisible up to 15m. Almost only, the bots will see something and move toward it to be sure. While in squad, each member will add 4m to this undetectable distance. That means a squad of three guys will only be stealthy at 27m! You're warned, live hidden, live lonely.

A great news, you should no longer experience crash! yeehaaa! ...I know I say that each week... but this time I promise!

Another great news !

DoubleTrouble Contest!

Play the game and win 20$ worth of any product here, on! Click that link for all info!

That's all folks! Take care in these strange times!

(1 edit)


Play the current version : ShootOut


This week update isn't gorgeous, I had some business which took a good part of the week. I mainly played the game previous build as part of the DoubleTrouble Contest which is, I can say, a total failure, as there is not a single participant :D  Whatever, I used the event to experience the game as a player, to get an overall feeling of the experience. I would have loved to see a couple of streams from you guys'n gals, playtesting is really a big part in the process of creating the game.

You know there is still the whole day to score one single point, make a 1min stream and be the proud winner? --> DoubleTrouble Contest!

I added the Smoke Grenade to the game, once thrown it will create a quite huge smoke area that occludes visibility. The perfect tool to retreat from an unwanted fight, or avoid it altogether. The few tests I did with it whispers that it needs some tuning, or some counter like the scanner drone. I'll also do some test occluding the player vision to be fair. In any cases, I feel that the system is more balanced between aggressive and sneaky tactics now.

In the future some more weapons are planned, I mean big stuff like

  •  rockets, miniguns, missiles, exo skeletons

 Sneaky tools and technics are also planned : 

  • stealth kills, traps, lures... 

And of course a lot of work is needed on the AI, party members must adapt better to the player's actions and tactic, enemies need more complex tactic moves like retreat, regroup, flank...

But other parts of the game need some love now :

  •  Story / Choices / Narration / Consequences  / Meanings / Emotions / Reward / Exploration / Character Development

just to name a few.

Play the current build, share some feedback, ideas, opinions, it is never useless!

Play the current version : ShootOut

And stay tuned!

(1 edit)

Narration Round 3

Play the current version : ShootOut

This week no build will be pushed for you to test. I'm working on the narration process and there is no point delivering small chunk of it.

Narration is a lot more time consuming than I want it to be. Not only I have to set up the camera, the protagonists pose, the dialogs, the player's choice and a lot more, but I want it to be the more fluid, easy and fast to implement too. I want to be able to create sequences as fast as possible, so the story can be written, tested and tweaked easily.

To achieve this goal I use the Sequencer which is a really powerful tool delivered with UE4. This tool allow you to create cinematics in few minutes. You can add any actor in it and trigger its functions, all of what an actor can do, the sequencer can triggers it (I mean all, be it the camera(s) transform, aperture size, focal length, a character, or you can even switch a light). So the natural way to achieve my goal was to create an actor that implements all the function I'll need often and implement an interface between it and the Sequencer, eh? I called it StoryTeller.

The storyTeller can start at BeginPlay (seen in the first sequence when you create a character) or on Player Overlaping its Box. It implements all the usual functions needed (Start, Pause, Jump to Frame, End, Update Journal, ect.) so the sequencer just have to call them. And it performs some optional checks like StoryState, PlayerState, ect.

So I'm not only writing (improvising mainly, to build up the system) the story, but also setting up a system to do it fast. The goal being able to pull 10 complex sequences a week. I want the writing process to flow as smoothly and fast as possible, so if any idea comes to mind it's a matter of minutes to implement and test.

Hopefully yall see it in action next week! Till then, shoot some villains in the current build. Share feedback and ideas and stay tuned!

Play the current version : ShootOut

Narration Round 3

Play the current version : ShootOut

Hey everyone ! This week won't bring new build for you, sorry for that ! But the wait will worth it!

The first chapter is almost done, roughly, there will have a lot of polishing to be done. You will soon discover how the story will be handled!

The plot is quite basic. Amanda and Romeo are hired to break into 7SidesCorp building. Sophie is an employee of 7Sides, she will have to protect a precious and mysterious alien artifact. Jack, as a police officer work inderectly for the Corp, he hears about a coup in 7Sides and investigate.

This is the chart I use, a simple Inkscape document (I love Inkscape)!  I manage the toryState with 4 main variables :

  • A character Name
  • A chapter integer
  • An alignment integer
  • a step integer

Names, chapters and steps are quite obvious, with them I can know who's playing and where he/she stands in the story. In the chart above you can see that, for this first chapter, there are some branching and two possible conclusion. Some boxes are outlined with green, this will be used if you already played the chapter with another character. If so, the game will use the outcome you had.

For example if you succeeded to investigate with Jack, the alarm will be active when you try to break into 7Sides with Romeo... and so on.

Later I'll add one another possible outcome : each character will have the opportunity at key time to switch side, hence the alignment variable. But this is for an another chapter.

A first version should be ready for you to test next week! 'til then don't hesitate to play the current build and leave feedback!

Play the current version : ShootOut

Game Master!

Play the current version : ShootOut

When I decided to devote some time and love to the Narration System I was quite naive due to inexperience (I levelled up!). I did not realise that the Story System, to achieve what I envision for it, is encapsulating quite a bunch of Sub Systems.

  • A Cut Scenes System (what I originally limited the task to)
  • A Mission System (To set goals, Objectives & validate or not the outcome)
  • A Npc Script System (To make bots perform some precise tasks that would be an over killing effort to implement on a generic AI)
  • A Spawn System (To be able to spawn characters and set them up depending of the state of the story)
  • And of course the Story System that encapsulate and make use of them all.

That explains why I could not publish a build for you to test since one month now. As I need a week to at least draft each system IF I subdivide well the work, which I obviously did not in this case, resulting to be overwhelmed by diverse and too different tasks.

But everything is coming together. The StoryTeller Actor I told you about in some previous DevLog as fatten up. It is now not only checking StoryStates and triggering a Sequence, but it can also Spawn actors, Start Scripts on them, Start Mission and check it states. It literally does the job of a Game Master in tabletop role playing game in fact. It is working well and will grow even fatter in the future.

Here a demonstration. Playing as Amanda. She's part of a team whom decided to break in 7Sides Corp. They planned to pass through a sewer. Amanda's role is to dispatch silently any guards but she's not skilled in hacking electronic devices. That's Romeo's role.

Still a lot of work making all this more sexy. But the StoryTeller is doing its job, and all its little soldiers be them Mission, Spawner, Cut Scenes components also. They all implement their useful functions and variable and communicate to each other as needed. They are quite easy to set up, reusable at envy and of course eagerly awaiting expansion.

Hopefully next week all this will be ready for you to test! I'm quite impatient to publish a build because some parallel improvements has been done.

Until next week, take care in these strange times!

Play the current version : ShootOut