Watched your intro video, got it up and running in Unity 2019.3 with NO errors and NO problems!
Think thats the first time I've ever installed a package without being shouted at by the Console... I'd say thats a very good sign that it's been coded very well indeed. No problems -amazing seen as though in your video you say you're using version 5.6... it didn't even ask me if I wanted to upgrade any obsolete API calls.. *fainted*
Love the way the scripting is programming in c# but you hide all the evil stuff from been displayed in your editor... Tasty!
So for anyone sensible enough to be trying this out - only one thing I had to do to get the demo scene to work - add the Unity scenes to the build settings... then I was off to scripting heaven. For an artist who can code like me it's a perfect fit.
I do enjoy using Chris Burton's Adventure Game Creator... but whenever I use the visual scripting tool I always think how much easier a simple text driven scripting editor would have been ----- and you've made it!
Thank you very much for putting this out for free.