Could you please help me open the game? its downloaded as a zip file and I'm not quite sure where to go from here.
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When you have the zip file downloaded, you should be able to unzip/extract all the files. This will create a folder in whatever destination you designate for it to unzip to. When you click inside the folder, you should see a .exe file if you're on a windows machine. I'm not totally sure what the mac version looks like - but there should be an application file in the main folder.
If you click on that, it should open the game up!
(Using the itch app will let you open the games from the launcher itself, which is a little easier than juggling the zip files, but it's definitely not required!)
Please let us know if you have any other issues!
Hello, wigglecoin!
Unfortunately, I don't have a mac so that limits my ability to walk you through - but can I see screen caps of what you're looking at?
I tried to get help from a friend who is a mac user but she sees only a readme file and the game application when she goes into the folder - and it sounds like you are experiencing something different.
I worry it might be a version issue - the friend has Mojave and I feel that if you're on Catalina, it is unlikely to be able to run the file (Unfortunately, Catalina has caused a lot of issues for a lot of small game devs being able to make their applications available to mac users)
heres what i have! yes its catalina, i imagine you and youre friends have had a lot of run ins with that already. i was able to install and run some games that catalina did try to prevent but in this case there is nothing to run it seems, im not a programer so i dont know what any of the files mean/do but this is what shows up for me. if its too much effort to try and figure out whats up i understand if you tell me theres nothing to be done though. i would like to play but ultimately dont want to be an issue when theres other games too be played anyway. i didnt think there would be anything you needed to see in the 'lib' and 'renpy' files plus they would have made very long screenshots but if you want i could also post them too this chain
Hi there! I can see from this that you actually have the windows version of the file and not the mac/osx version! (The "win" in the file stands for windows and the .exe file is also the way you launch the game in a windows OS).
You should have the option to download a file by this name: changeling-3.3-osx.zip
Can you try to download this file and see if you're able to load the game from it?