What is Tallowmere 2?
- Tallowmere 2: Curse of the Kittens is a 2D action roguelike dungeon platformer game; a sequel to the original Tallowmere.
What platforms does T2 support?
- Windows, macOS, and Linux. Mobile versions for Android and iOS are also in the works. Console versions will come later.
What player modes does T2 support?
- Single-player, local couch co-op (up to 4 players sharing the same screen), and online co-op (up to 4 players per dungeon).
Will T2 support cross-platform online play?
- Yes. Online co-op between desktop and mobile works. I am confident console cross-platform play will work too.
What about online PvP?
- Online PvP is planned but not yet implemented.
What engine does T2 use?
Got any links?
- Main pages:
- Other channels:
- Discord
- Email: chris@tallowmere.com
- GitHub (primarily used as an issue tracker)
- Twitter: @ChrisNZL, @Tallowmere
- YouTube