You have created an absolutely brilliant program here. Thank you very much for your fantastic work!
Unfortunately I have a bug since the last update, which makes it partly impossible to edit texts. As soon as I double click on a note the program crashes immediately.
Since I saw your stream yesterday, I quickly used the current build to generate a bug report.
The following is in the log.txt:
2020/06/26 14:13:46
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/task.go:1293 | Error: runtime error: index out of range [398] with length 398
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/project.go:1456
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/main.go:251
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /usr/lib/go-1.14/src/runtime/proc.go:203
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /usr/lib/go-1.14/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373
2020/06/26 14:13:46
The bug appears to occur randomly and apparently only in the maximized/full screen window and, as I could determine, in connection with non-English characters.
Since I write all notes in my native language German, I can hardly edit any text without the program crashing.
By the way, I use MX Linux 19.2.
It would be wonderful if you would be able to fix this bug in the near future, because I can usually work very efficiently with MasterPlan and it helps me a lot with the organization of my game.
have a nice weekend =)