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A member registered Mar 24, 2020

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Ingenious that the universe is automatically saved to the desktop in case of a crash. I did not know that *haha*

Thanks a lot for your efforts. Have a great time!

I have been looking for something exactly like your software for such an excruciatingly long time now! It really does exactly what is needed for world building. Thank you so much for this :)

One small thing, and maybe it's just me suffering from data loss, but it would be absolutely awesome if there was a shortcut to quickly save, simply overwriting the currently open file without a save dialog.

An optional autosave after Generate would of course be the cherry on top of the cupcake *haha*

Keep up the good work, you're always awesome *thumbs up*

Awesome! Thank you so much :)

(1 edit)

Hello Billiam,

Thank you for all your great updates that you have been providing since the beginning of your development.

I use deepdwn daily for countless notes, brainstorming and writing short stories. Your "Automatic formatting fixes" are like a salvation. I love them! 

Since I often fold headings to keep track of more complex structures, I was looking for a way to keep all headings folded even when saving the document with the "Fix formatting issues on save" option. I tried a bit with the "Markdown formatting rules", but every time the headings were folded out again.

Maybe there is a simple way to prevent the headings from unfolding? If not, it would be great to have that as an option. 

Keep up the good work, you are great!

Have a nice day :)

Woah, update time! :)

Everything works like a charm now. I seriously can't find any bugs anymore.

Many thanks to the Markdown whisperer *haha*.

I see. It's really more complicated than it seems at first. *haha*

But it's already really good to use in its current form and the few exceptions where it's still misleading don't even stand out.

I worked with it all day today and the folding and unfolding is really a great enrichment.

Have a nice evening :)

Just found something else. If you apply Ctrl-K Ctrl-1 in the following text and then use Ctrl Shift [ or the "..." to fold the first heading and unfold it again, the second section unfolds right along with it.

# Heading


## Bug?


### Heading...


Wow, you are really fast!

I had a quick look and the folding by shortcut now works almost perfectly. The only thing I noticed is that folding all sections with the shortcut Ctrl-K Ctrl-1 does not work reliably in all situations yet. For example, if you have only one depth of headings in a document (# Heading 1, # Heading 2, # Heading 3), the first section is generally not folded. However, if you have multiple depths in the headings (# Heading 1 ##, Heading 1.1, ### Heading 1.1.1) it works perfectly! The next one is maybe a habit from org-mode, but don't you think that the shortcut to fold the current selection, should unfold the selection too? ;)

By the way: it is not self-evident how fast you fix the bugs and add new features here. It's very motivating for me personally to see your working zeal. You are doing a damn great job :)

Hello Billiam,

thanks a lot for your cool update. The folding of the sections is really ingenious and reminds me a lot of the org-mode of Emacs. Maybe it's me, but shouldn't the sections stay folded even with the shortcuts until you unfold them yourself? At the moment they unfold automatically as soon as I start writing in another section. Only if I manually put the three dots after the heading it works. I can't imagine that this is intentional? In addition, the first heading is generally not folded in, if you use the shortcut to fold in all sections.

If this distinction between the "..." and the shortcuts is so intentional, I didn't say anything *haha*.

Have a nice day :)

(1 edit)


thank you very much for your messages. After some tests I found out this limitation as well.

That only 16 bit WAV files are supported by GDScriptAudioImport in general is not so bad for my use case, but that all other WAV formats are not supported at all is.

For my game, for example, I would like to use the IMA ADPCM format, as this is also supported internally by Godot.

I will definitely keep an eye on your project as I see a lot of potential in it. The idea is really awesome and with a working WAV import it would enrich my general workflow immensely.

You guys are top notch and do great work! :)

Hi guys,

have been playing around a bit with SFXBrowser. A really cool and intuitive program. Could it be that it doesn't support all types of WAV files at the moment? Tried it with the free sounds from Sonniss ( and only get noise or no sound at all. WAV files from WaveWorld ( work fine though. All MP3 and OGG files I have tested seem to work fine as well. Maybe it's the sample rate or the bits per sample?

Below are the settings of two random WAV files from these two sample packs for comparison.

Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 1
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 706 kbps
Codec: PCM
Encoding: lossless

Sample rate: 96000 Hz
Channels: 1
Bits per sample: 24
Bitrate: 2304 kbps
Codec: PCM
Encoding: lossless

Would be great if you could find a solution for this, because for listening, marking, renaming and exporting a lot of files the SFXBrowser is just perfect.

Have a nice day.

Typewriter Mode centers the view on the position where you are typing at the moment you are typing. A very cool feature, as you always know exactly where you last typed, in the center of the screen.

(1 edit)

Yes, of course! :)

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant only the output in the preview window and the export.

Variables would be useful everywhere where you want to use placeholders. E.g. for renting real estate I very often create documents where the first name/last name of a person, the amount of rent, service charges and deposit as well as the date have to be changed in many different places in the text. Normally I always search the document for the last value and replace it with the new one (or I work with placeholders like XXX, YYY,...). With variables, this would be defined and done within a few seconds and very clearly in the first few lines. I wouldn't have to do more than change the variables and click export. This is a lot faster and less error prone than the copy and paste method *haha*.

Another use for me would be source references or a bibliography, which could be clearly placed in the YAML header. Especially if you cite the same author or work several times.

Now that I think about it, maybe my suggestion is actually a bit special and probably not relevant for most users of Deepdwn :)

Hello Billiam,

I purchased Deepdwn today and writing with it is really a lot of fun. The clear layout and structure is so centralized and tidy. It's an incredible enhancement to my daily notes and the design document that I'm in the process of converting to Markdown. You really created a very cool piece of software there! Thumbs up!

I know you must have a lot of work to do, but how do you like the idea to define variables in YAML besides Title, Category, Tags and Dir to apply them in the text afterwards. Below I have attached an image that I spontaneously found on the subject.

It would be extremely ingenious and could almost automate numerous daily tasks for me. Of course, this could also be solved with search and replace. But variables would be more comfortable.

If you would then also add functions of a simple spreadsheet, I wouldn't even need Excel anymore *haha*.

Well, these are just suggestions and if it doesn't fit your vision of this software it doesn't matter.

Have a nice day and stay healthy :)

Hello again,

thank you for your "v0.6.0 Image Resizing Hotfix".

Everything now works exactly as expected. Thanks a lot, you are the best!

You are welcome to mark this topic as "solved" now.

Have a nice Sunday evening :)

Hello SolarLune,

I just saw that you uploaded some great new features to GitHub. Awesome! :)

I don't know if you've been able to work on the image bug yet, but the images reappear in v0.6.0 (e.g. the "bartender.png" from the help_manual.plan). The only problem seems to be that after clicking or adding new pictures all of them are now very tiny and cannot be enlarged.

But since it is not yet an official version, you probably haven't worked on it yet, so I don't want to confuse you unnecessarily.

Take care and keep it square ;)

Hello SolarLune,

I remembered that in the beginning it was possible to link images and audio files from the internet in MasterPlan. But in the current version only locally saved images and audio files work. I noticed this through your Twitter entry for #Inktober, because I tried to collect some inspirations from the internet in one single MasterPlan. It would be sad, if this would not work anymore, because it is very cumbersome to save all pictures on your hard disk, especially if you just want to save an inspiration for a quick idea.

You can also see this in your help_manual.plan. The "bartender.png" from your homepage is also not shown there anymore, which is a pity, because I like the picture ;)

By the way, I use Windows 10 Pro, if it has anything to do with it.

So this is less a bug than a lost feature? xD

Your last stream was great as always, hope for more!

Have a good time.

Thank you very much. I have just tested it and everything works as intended.

I am looking forward to the next as always instructive stream from you =)

In awe of your creative genius.

Have a nice weekend.

Hello SolarLune,

I just saw you working on that bug. Thank you so much for that. You're the best =)

The crash is now fixed.

But now there seems to be a problem with uppercase letters. Once I use them, all text is erased until the capital letter appears. The problem also occurs with characters like ' or ".

under the following link I have prepared an example plan to reproduce the bug.

(1 edit)

You have created an absolutely brilliant program here. Thank you very much for your fantastic work!

Unfortunately I have a bug since the last update, which makes it partly impossible to edit texts. As soon as I double click on a note the program crashes immediately.

Since I saw your stream yesterday, I quickly used the current build to generate a bug report.

The following is in the log.txt:

2020/06/26 14:13:46
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/task.go:1293 | Error: runtime error: index out of range [398] with length 398
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/project.go:1456
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /home/jamesgeek/masterplan/main.go:251
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /usr/lib/go-1.14/src/runtime/proc.go:203
2020/06/26 14:13:46 /usr/lib/go-1.14/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373
2020/06/26 14:13:46

The bug appears to occur randomly and apparently only in the maximized/full screen window and, as I could determine, in connection with non-English characters.

Since I write all notes in my native language German, I can hardly edit any text without the program crashing.

By the way, I use MX Linux 19.2.

It would be wonderful if you would be able to fix this bug in the near future, because I can usually work very efficiently with MasterPlan and it helps me a lot with the organization of my game.

have a nice weekend =)

you have created an absolutely brilliant program here. thank you very much for your fantastic work =)

i would like to output the preview view directly via commandline. maybe you could add this possibility... and in this context also restore the lights (position, color, ...) via preset when loading via commandline?

my wish may seem strange, but i would like to use your excellent program to automatically give sprites a bit more depth without explicitly using normal maps in my game.