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Really solid game

A topic by cdutson created Jun 29, 2020 Views: 1,041 Replies: 6
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Hi there! I Picked up Vektor 2089 through the massive itch bundle, and I gotta say: there's a lot to love about this game. I'm really impressed that you managed to make something so low-fidelity and high-fidelity at the same time. The mechanics are simple to get, but the mastering curve is sneaky. I really enjoyed my playthrough of it, and while I have no real suggestions for improvements, I just thought you'd like to know how much I enjoyed my time with the game.

I've added my playthrough video if you're at all interested.


Thanks very much for playing! Was great watching you play!


WipEout plus Micro Machines, awesome little game


Thank you! <3

I love this! I kinda wish that the screen didn't flash when you hit a wall though, and instead did something a little more subtle


You can turn down the glitchiness in the settings, but yes I should add a way to disable the flashing too, thanks for the feedback!

what engine did you use , nice game tho