Edit 10-15-2020: Now that the documentation is in HTML, the .md stuff is no longer relevant.
So far I've downloaded your engine, tried running the exe with the same name, taken a guess at what program the readme file needs to be opened ("readme.txt" is not the same as "readme.md", the file the windows 64amd version came with, nor is ".md" a file extension typically found when using windows), then gotten bombarded with a bunch of junk about social media I have no reason to care about (due to not even being sure I want to use your engine).
Particularly, this part "Those who use DragonRuby are called Dragon Riders. This identity is incredibly important to us." is an utterly terrible thing to put at the start of your readme file. This is the readme for a game engine, not the rules of a club.
After that, half the text explaining the actual use of the engine is dedicated to explaining what's wrong with other game engines.