Hi! I am trying to distribute a MOBA game called OverPrime using itch.io/app, that has some large assets (total uncompressed size ~50 GB). (Also note that I'm not a developer of this game, but many people find the current installation process overwhelming due to necessary manual patching)
Originally, the game is compressed into a 7z archive to make about 23 GB total size. But since butler natively compresses files when pushing and supports patching functionality, I thought it's better to leave the original files uncompressed and just let butler do its job. Especially since butler uses advanced compression algorithm (brotli) that seems to have a compression rate very similar to the one used by 7zip.
However, it's noted that itch.io backend restricts games larger than 30 GB (total uncompressed size). I could go the route of uploading pre-compressed files, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of butler (small download sizes for patch and repairability for users)? I imagine the difference computation algorithm and patching functionality doesn't work so well when all of the files are compressed.
Any suggestions will be really appreciated!