Bug: Traps and Treasure Chests
Roam/Advance -> Find Chest -> Open Y/N -> Y -> Opens Chest, does not get to view rewards because trap closes reward window.
Place Trap encounter Before finding chest or After choosing to open chest(booby trapped)?
In combat your can command yourself to get a attack boost. Kinda strange but not breaking or anything. Motivation warcry?
The Travel Mechanic feels cumbersome Perhaps auto fill people into the party based on arrival? Having a 1 click button by name to recall/return them on the location menu would help aswell.
Depending on how many procedural locations you plan to have access to at a time, maybe create a map with fixed orb spots for locations you easily click between instead of a menu. Make the location management screen a pop window, and the map a background like the mansion?
Some way to learn/tell about the creatures/items you can encounter in a dungeon on the left, the large empty column where you list the name and difficulty of the dungeon as well as progression. Perhaps by exploring with a engineer or trapper/hunter, you can learn more about the location?
Hidden/bonus levels with different creatures then the base location, unlocking new/bonus locations without resorting to buying a dungeon map (Your foreman notices a crack and weakness in the wall, breaking it down reveals a new cave network You can now explore the slime nest level 4 of the 3 level goblin cave), possible quests/explore quests (Your hunter finds some tracks.. It seems X dragged a Seraph down here somewhere, attempt to follow?) (Your Alchemist noticed unsual fungi growing here, Do you wish to track down the source?) This only findable during advancement to avoid bloat/event farming.
Foremen, Engineer, Alchemist, Druid, Farmer classes could all have unique dungeon events you can trigger/find/unlock during advancement(but not roaming). The less combat useful a class is, the more likely it has bonus events or benefits for exploration. A Farmer could help you notice a dryad nearby, for example. Engineers and Miners could reveal more about the structure or minerals of a cave, a pet might find more bones? ect.
Expand Hunter/Archana/Scylla/Oozes/Lamia to have default trap/capture skills, like in previous game. Trap/Bolas/Net, Spider Silk, Tentacle Grapple, Tail Constriction. Enslave humanoid enemies you encounter, and some undead/animals too?
Advance classes could allow for the creation of allies, EG the class ranger's companion, Undead summoning, ect. Putting a beast master into a unfilled party could let you take control of a enemy tamed bear, or even bring (out) their own automatically. Temporary allies at that location, possibly like social skills useable X per day, and persist until their summoner/creator/host is removed from the party, the day ends, or killed? Explore with less man power