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A member registered Apr 22, 2020

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Your might not be in sandbox mode, and i'd guess progression guild quests would be how you do that, or encoutner a npc around town like with the daisy npc.

probably not implemented (fully) yet, could be wrong. A few other classes seem to be placeholders more then anything else right now.

There are other examples of buttons disappearing, you guys should check the background program for errors when your buttons disappear?

Possible, there might be extra button to close them out after you get to the bandit boss/end. I remember the dungeon staying after completion  and even letting me backtrack in the dungeon.

That said it is easy to navigate by mouse to some extent, and phone screens are gettting bigger.

- Upgrades required to access higher tier resources.  Ie. Forest initially only has wood, needs an upgrade to access magic wood; mountains initially only access stone, need an upgrade to access iron, etc.  this would probably mean bringing the core resource regions closer to the plains?

Or you need better dungeon maps, and/or have to travel farther/deeper into more dangerous sections of those terrain types. You want the really good stuff, that is 2-3 mountain ranges away, and has quite a bit of travel time, and monsters require more gear/levels to fight safely.  Rarity could play a larger role later, having a Common Uncommon pool.

A lot of the character strength already comes from items and class skills. So it isn't impossible to see having to grind out one tier of gear to get to grinding the next rarity zone's level.

You could probably Mod in something like this, If the game goes in the right directions.

It asks if my Master is a slave or peon, pretty sure it's just a left over with no impact on gameplay, but its there and obvious once you see it. Overall character screen is looking good.

I feel more in control of things already.

Could location not deselect after sending 1 person (make location stick until you change it or exit travel tab),   and could location select window close after selecting a destination automatically, or at the least after a double click or add a confirm location button to select the location and close location select.

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Bug: Traps and Treasure Chests

Roam/Advance ->  Find Chest -> Open Y/N -> Y -> Opens Chest, does not get to view rewards because trap closes reward window.

Place Trap encounter       Before finding chest or After choosing to open chest(booby trapped)?

In combat your  can command yourself to get a attack boost. Kinda strange but not breaking or anything. Motivation warcry?



The Travel Mechanic feels cumbersome Perhaps auto fill people into the party based on arrival? Having a 1 click button by name to recall/return them on the location menu would help aswell.

Depending on how many procedural locations you plan to have access to at a time, maybe create a map with fixed orb spots for locations you easily click between instead of a menu. Make the location management screen a pop window, and the map a background like the mansion?

Some way to learn/tell about the creatures/items you can encounter in a dungeon on the left, the large empty column  where you list the name and difficulty of the dungeon as well as progression.  Perhaps by exploring with a engineer or trapper/hunter, you can learn more about the location?

Hidden/bonus levels with different creatures then the base location, unlocking new/bonus locations without resorting to buying a dungeon map (Your foreman notices a crack and weakness in the wall, breaking it down reveals a new cave network You can now explore the slime nest level 4 of the 3 level goblin cave), possible quests/explore quests (Your hunter finds some tracks.. It seems X dragged a Seraph down here somewhere, attempt to follow?)  (Your Alchemist noticed unsual fungi growing here, Do you wish to track down the source?) This only findable during advancement to avoid bloat/event farming.

Foremen, Engineer, Alchemist, Druid, Farmer classes could all have unique dungeon events you can trigger/find/unlock during advancement(but not roaming). The less combat useful a class is, the more likely it has bonus events or benefits for exploration.  A Farmer could help you notice a dryad nearby,  for example. Engineers and Miners could reveal more about the structure or minerals of a cave, a pet might find more bones? ect.

Expand Hunter/Archana/Scylla/Oozes/Lamia to have default trap/capture skills, like in previous game. Trap/Bolas/Net, Spider Silk, Tentacle Grapple,  Tail Constriction. Enslave humanoid enemies you encounter, and some undead/animals too?

Advance classes could allow for the creation of allies, EG the class ranger's companion, Undead summoning, ect. Putting a beast master into a unfilled party could let you take control of a enemy tamed bear, or even bring (out) their own automatically. Temporary allies at that location, possibly like social skills useable X per day, and persist until their summoner/creator/host is removed from the party, the day ends, or killed? Explore with less man power

Any reason not to add a  "Looking Glass icon"  to indicate you can mouse over potential slaves to indicate you can see more? For intuitive reasons.

Large Mana Numbers on Front enemies tend to Mix into HP numbers on back enemies, perhaps there could be a better way to display, or atleast adjust the spacing so double digit numbers don't over lap, and perferably tripple digit numbers don't.  Polishing for a later game stage though, Adjusting the over all size of the combat window and spacing would probably be enough.

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" I have a slave at -1620 obedience from starvation, but they no longer lose obediance at the start of the new day."  Clarify. This part sounds like you just hit a cap on something that probably isn't supposed to go outside the -100 to 100 range. It's probably natural that it stops decreasing at such a high number.  Are you just saying Starvation doesn't work in general, of that it stops working obedience wise.

Because there are a number of moving parts that interact with obedience gains and losses to my understanding, and how they all interact is probably not been heavily examined yet.  Like Natural recovery being stronger then starvation damage. I think it's just coded in without any real weighting or mulipliers considered for how things interact. It's entirely concieveable a slave might be too comfortable that obedience won't drop and starving doesn't bother them because they out heal the damage while sleeping.  I also think ?fear? and obedience kinda lock out to some extent currently depending on which one maxes first, could be wrong. Starving them probably makes them afraid of you or disobeying you.

The Repeat Quest bit is probably right, as it's probably procedurally generated.

The talent bit buries the lead, you should edit it out.


" Now, every time I start a "default" game, it skips the starting slave menu, even after restarting the game."

I agree with JJJ and Author. Sounds like Operator error rather then a glitch.  Default,  starts slave creation after siding with a guide, Sandbox throws it at you after protagonist/main creation.

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Definition of talent

 1a : a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude
b : general intelligence or mental power
Definition of growth

 1a(1) : a stage in the process of growing : size (2) : full growth

 b : the process of growing

c : progressive development : evolution

Definition of versatile

1 : embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills also : turning with ease from one thing to another

Definition of ingenuity

1a : skill or cleverness in devising or combining : inventiveness
b : cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance
Definition of curiosity

1 : desire to know:

a : inquisitive interest in others' concerns : nosiness

b : interest leading to inquiry 

Definition of skill
1a : the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance
b : dexterity or coordination especially in the execution of learned physical tasks
2 : a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability

Growth seems to relate more towards physical size, current maturity, speed of learning, or potential. I think there was mention of a soft cap in the description of the stat. The argument above is valid if everyone has has the same max potential, but growth only the limiting factor on how fast you can reach your max potential, then growth is slightly bit misleading, but most replacements have similar subtext. Tame and Timid both also seem to suffer from lack of usefulness, as once you cap loyalty and/or submission, they become less relevant compared to combat and productivity stats, potentially penalizing you for investing in them. Short term/long Term pay offs, where the long term part is seemingly 0 pay off.

I'd probably like to have growth/timid/tame slaves (really) early, but slow witted, fearless, wild slaves later. Combat and crafting stats are just so much more useful early on that it makes it better to start with the the powerful slaves and stay with them.

A slave with a good growth stat, should probably increase the soft cap, and unlock classes faster, giving it long term and short term benefits to compete. A pure growth character should probably be pretty skilled classwise, but not very good at any particular things due to a lack of stat synergy.

22 + beast races (5) + (half) beast races (5) = 22 + 1/5/10= 23/27/32

I looked I counted. The beasts and half beasts are very similar in nature so i count them as variants more then individual races.

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That will get you started, How many races isn't really important, races are similar to the first game (in our current demo state).  32  if you count the beast and their half-beast races seperately, 23 if you count them as one race.

It's not clear yet if race will play a bigger, smaller, or similar role in the sequel, mostly it seems like copy and paste currently with minor edits. The statistic system has obviously been redesigned already in the demo, whose old caps used to the second defining feature to them outsides of flavor text/default images.

I wouldn't expect more then [the] 23 in the demo, but I can see the numbers ranging form 18-38 races in the finished game before the modding community adds any.


Flavor houses.

Flavor differences.

Flavor house building classes/jobs.

Flavor house upkeep.

Flavor game progression titles.
Sounds  60% more like a mod then a strive mechanic beyond the nobility rank part.

No, it should probably be suggestion for upgrades, or a few other possible courses, like having a head mistress/master frees up more of  you free time allowing you to better focus on interactions, or you aquire magical macguffin that gives you extra spunk. There isn't a in game way at the moment, but we are dealing with a demo and it could be planned, or added.

Presumably to rush finish crafting items or upgrades regardless of how effective or efficient it's accomplished. I'd personally rather have the ability to select a group (like Shift+click) then assign to assign/manage 3-4 people at once rather then all, but that would be a singular button. It kinda feels like occupation should have it's own management window, particularly with how travel occupation tends to stick rather then remembering last occupation.

There is already the mod support for the 1st and 2nd game, with the first having moderately smart image sorting included in it's mod packages. I'm sure those will be updated to work in the new game later by modders.

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I think they are referring to, Search (village) -> act lawfully -> meet slavers with slave -> Fight/Purchase/Lie/Leave -> Keep/Free. We don't get a icon to click on even after successfully fighting/lieing/buying the slave You (and maybe your party members in the village?) are the only characters shown in the character's present bar, with the captured slave and slavers not showing up there. If we keep the slave they are Immediately teleported to the mansion aswell.

I think, maybe adding a examine slave text option to pull up some information, after all the slavers would be happy to make a quick profit and start on the next profit right, instead of going back to a big town?  Similar to the old bandit capture menu where we could see more then just the race and gender, and had the option to mind read for more information. Or maybe it being a blind choice is intentional there.

The explore aspect of the game really is still demo version so I expect it to be fleshed out yet, just proof of concept, but this is my interpretation of their comment, they want to know if can make a informed decision to keep the slave or not based on potential traits/skills/ and or statistics like we can when choosing to hire/buy slaves and peons.

Would this open the option for merchant and spy classes, opening and housing stores/trading posts, connecting travel towns you have a merchant in to the main city shop/representative? Probably classes that require high authority and give high chances of your underling fleeing.

Seems like it could work into the story, or have traveling merchant as a occupation where they travel back and forth between cities. Restocking as often as the trip takes, and maybe making a small profit or lowering good costs everywhere if they are cheaper here or there.

Could have an abduction event or two, or work like like the crafting system but generate gold.

Having a spy or two could open up events/quests you can follow up on, maybe unlock a random dungeon to rescue someone procedural for factions points, or inform you of a village having a bandit problem you can clear out.