You ask for support. Well, support is a two-way thing:
- lunailegends : 'Buttons not working' -- Your initial (non-commital) response 100 days ago. Anything since?
- foxFX: 'Trouble loading saved work' -- No response
- willyyyyyyy: 'Publishing' -- 'We are working on this feature' - 96 days ago. Any progress?
- goliard: 'Customising the GUI' -- Using an icon instead of coloured bullets, and leaving out Name and Text Box fields in the first and last frame of a story (for Titles and Credits) - You said these were good ideas 96 days ago (three months!) They should be simple to do. Any progress?
- kripple707: 'Images' -- A question about having separate layers (eg for characters and backgrounds) - 66 days ago - No response
- goliard: 'Ability to show characters' -- I refer to the above post by kripple 707 - You said it was a 'high priority feature to add' - 61 days ago
- wisnusatoto: 'I cannot publish after I made on Windows' - No response 37 days ago
You're obviously not around. Who's minding the shop?