Did you know you can make your own songs for Mixolumia and distribute them for other people to play? Check out the dynamic music system documentation for all the details. Feel free to ask questions or post about your works-in-progress.
Did you know you can make your own songs for Mixolumia and distribute them for other people to play? Check out the dynamic music system documentation for all the details. Feel free to ask questions or post about your works-in-progress.
Hey! Two things:
1.) I'm poking at how feasible it would be to get song visualization / testing into the palette web app. Let me know if you had any ideas on how to make that useful : ) No promises since I have one of those pesky job things, but I had fun building the palette thing and the music system is neat!
2.) I tried making a very very bare bones track to test out the `data.json` schema but ran into a runtime error on starting up the track. I was able to see and select it from the tracklist in game, but crashed with this trace as soon as the music would have started:
___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object audio_obj: unable to add a number to string ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called from - gml_Script_load_song (line 74) called from - gml_Script_audio_state_gameplay_start (line 3) called from - gml_Object_audio_obj_Step_0 (line 2)
If it helps, I pushed up the current "song" here: https://github.com/FLGMwt/test-mixolumia-song/blob/master/data.json <- the OGGs are just noises I recorded in Audacity as separate tracks and exported w/ `Export Multiple` as OGG.
I'm on Windows, and I had that^ in a directory named "honk" in %LOCALAPPDATA%/Mixolumia/data/music/
cheers : D
Ah, I think it's because a clear group requires 3 sounds. You can probably just copy and paste the same one three times in those brackets and it shouldn't complain.
Sorry for the crashiness of this process, it's on my todo list to make the game handle this stuff more elegantly and communicate errors better for people working on music.
Just finished my first soundpack!! Very basic all things considered, just some a capella, but I had a lot of fun with it regardless :)
Soundpack: https://hthr.itch.io/mixolumia-music-pack-a-capella
I finished a soundpack too!
dl link: https://discordapp.com/channels/745039085256704000/745783947140530236/7458649616...
video: https://twitter.com/DPS_2004/status/1296305905080901633
I already posted this on the discord but might as well post it here: I made an Earthbound soundpack
video: https://streamable.com/kk9k6z
download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/745783947140530236/747570618408370227/you...
So I decided to make a GOD HAND (the PS2 game) theme music pack for some reason.
Download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/745783947140530236/748877725522985011/Gen...