I'm sure you already have plans for these skills, but I thought I may as well pitch some of my own (dumb) ideas:
Deepthroat: If successfully used, the enemy becomes staggered (stuck in the kneeling position) for a few turns.
Wrap Legs: Currently all this skill does is remove the ability to struggle. If used, you should be given a "Keep it in" skill after the enemy is finished, thus continuing the process if they don't break free (useful for enemies who can get a satisfied outcome like the Brigand).
Bounce on It, Squeeze It: Causes the enemy to be less likely to or never buck the player off of them.
Self Spank: Changed into a "come hither" ability to initiate sex, instead of having to learn Hit the Deck or trip yourself (kind of like how you can use Grab It when kneeling).
Pout: No idea really. Possibly could be used to get the enemy to finish up faster (useful if you want to finish a fight to reduce that annoying damage from bleeding).
Additional skill: Wank. Being able to get yourself ready for action would be nice (could also have the added twist of this skill disappearing if you gain a certain rank of anal lover, or your character instead readying their posterior if your rank is too high).