Good evening after a nice formatting I managed to start ERAS 2 without problems and I must say that it is really a beautiful MOD and I must congratulate you finally I was able to enjoy this game without the classic vanilla bugs and crashes ...
But I ran into some little bugs like the musket every kind of musket the characters;
Nicolaas Van Hoorn;
Diego Espinoza;
The musket both the normal one and the double-barreled one appear only in the holster of the character not in his hand
I think I have some bugs with corrupt files I also tried to make a repair of the files by downloading the whole package but the problem persists I also tried on Gof 1.2 and even there the bug is identical to ERAS 2
however the musket pressing Q to fire fires quietly as if the weapon
Peter Blood I don't know why you cannot equip practically any type of musket in practice the word "equip" appears but once clicked on it is not equipped in ERAS 2
IN GOF 1.2 I haven't tried but seen the exact same problem with Nicolaas and Diego I thought maybe the same.