hey, i just downloaded and tested out your game. here are a few ingame issues i'm having:
- ressources. i always lack wood or water. i built a lumberjack on a forest tile, but for some reason it just will not generate wood. no matter how many turns pass. i also run out of water really fast, so now my one worker can not move or build.
i have just built one lumberjack and one hunter at this point, on one tile of the oasis map on the left side where you have a forest, grass and water in range. there is no other place you can settle, as you can not upgrade the town hall, expand your borders far, or do anything else at all.
there also seems to be missing some cobblestone patches, and i cannot build a library to test research.
the tutorial is also kinda bugged, as i run out of water before being able to build the forester.
i also never know how many ressources are in my stockpile, i constantly have to check in the town hall menu, which is stupid.
- small bug: a worker on a mountain tile is stuck, as he will stop regenerating action points.