Hi, I really like to monster arts. I'm wondering if you could sell backgrounds that I can use with the monsters too?
Yet another trustworthy addition to your SeraphCircle gallery of monsters! · By
Hello! Thanks for supporting my work, I'm glad you like it!
I have been considering making backgrounds. I haven't made any yet, but there's a massive number of monsters waiting to be released -- I'm working on several packs at once -- and perhaps I'll ship some backgrounds with the next packs. I'm making animation packs too, but because of this topic I'll consider the backgrounds a bit more seriously. Thanks again!
Hi, I'm glad that you consider to release the backgrounds.
As someone who really sucks at art, I prefer to use art packs that come together. So, they don't look weird.
If you could release maybe 10 backgrounds first, that would be awesome. It's enough for me to make a first version of my game.