Any suggestions in regard of the game.
Dont know if this is already planed or not but i would like to see a continuation to the clients scenes in the VIP Service rooms. maybe also having more with some different kinks.
Also we need more places to spend money, i kind of find it impossible to lose right now and already got around over 4000$. Or maybe implement a bank system and if the player instead carrys all his money around with him he could be at risk getting robbed and then being forced to make money fast as the rent is due.
Are we really going to be able to properly romance Rock in a closed long-term relationship? He heavily implied he'd like to cruise and sleep around with other guys, while being in a relationship with the MC... That didn't sit right with me. Seems he just wanted a convenient ass he could fuck close to him. If he REALLY loves the MC he wouldn't want to screw that up, and he should want to be in a closed relationship and be faithful to the MC. I don't know, this situation is really confusing...