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The Protector's Lair - 2D Adventure game - Looking for feedback & comments!

A topic by Quetzakol created Sep 02, 2020 Views: 215 Replies: 1
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(3 edits) (+1)

Hello !

I released my new game recently after 4 years of development with Unity. It's a 2D adventure game, where you have to solve little puzzles by interacting with the creatures around you. You also have two things at your disposal:

  • A book with notes about every plant, tree or animal on the island.
  • The power to penetrate the thoughts of the animals, to get specific information from them.

In this game, you control May, in a short story leading to the Protector's Lair.

I'm looking for feedback and comments on my page! If you're interested, here's the link: The Protector's Lair

The trailer:

Please look at the "Feedback" section on the page to get an idea of the kind of things I'm interested to know.

Looking forward to your feedback!


It's been 38 days and I sadly didn't receive any feedback from here. As I'm putting an end to this project, I'd like to try one last time.

Any feedback (even just based on the trailer or the description) would help me a lot to improve in the future.

I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who would leave a (constructive) comment!