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A member registered Aug 25, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey! Thanks for playing my game, I enjoyed the video! That's was quite unexpected for this old little jam game.

I was on Ubuntu 22.04, and yes I did allow access to the microphone.

Excellent game, really liked it though it was very hard.

Quite confusing, I didn't really understand what I had to do. But tagging the walls was fun and I managed to win, somehow ^^

Nice concept, but it didn't work for me, even though I'm on Firefox. I kept yelling "sugar" but nothing happened :(

Super interesting idea, I love it! I scored most of my points thanks to the "x0" blocks though, I wish they didn't appear so often.

I had to zoom out to be able to play, but that was pretty fun! Simple but good idea.

Fun concept. I didn't understand the controls though. I managed to merge some notes, but never really understood how. Most of the time they just collided with each other or disappeared outside the game boundaries :(

Maybe it would be a good idea to add some explanation in the description? It's frustrating to try to figure things out for a while, only to realize you cannot do anything only after reading all the comments. Pretty fun to watch the colonies grow though.

Fun concept, well done! I feel like the timer was unnecessary, it's already hard enough without it.

Fantastic art and music! I also loved the story and musical puns. The fights felt a bit rigid, but otherwise, great work for a jam!

Nice gameplay, it was pretty fun! Mouse controls would have been easier though.

Well there is a message saying "Try adding more items next time" when you drop only 1 or 2 ingredients. But it definitely needs more hints indeed :/

Very cool and clever idea! Though a bit too clever for me, I just pressed the arrow keys randomly at some point because there are too many things to look at.

Fun idea, I enjoyed it! I agree that the life system should be removed though.

It could be interesting with a bit more work on the levels, I liked the idea. But indeed the instructions are super confusing (even with the non-WASM builds.

I still haven't figured out why there are 2 yellow dots in the middle of both sides, and what the middle items (the blue square) does. A description of the different actions and how to use them would be helpful (I mean, even in the game description on itch, not especially in the game).

I really liked the idea of taking opponent's parts and being able to fix them anywhere on yourself. I wish I encountered more opponents though, after some time I wandered around without finding anyone.

Interesting puzzle game! Very original ideas that fits the theme well; and the graphics are nice :) However it would really have needed that "undo" feature ^^"

Pretty impressive! It was fun, though I quickly stopped because of the difficulty (even though I selected the easy mode...). I liked the focus mode !

Ah, actually there's a bug and you can't make the placeholder potion :( It had this effect:

Pretty rich gameplay for a jam :) Fits the theme very loosely but I had a lot of fun!

Interesting mechanic! I couldn't tell the difference between blue and cyan at first, and I often got in situations where I didn't have any slime of the right color. But it was pretty fun and I liked the graphics.

The placeholder item is a real item, too bad you didn't make the placeholder potion out of it, it's my favourite one :D

It's been 38 days and I sadly didn't receive any feedback from here. As I'm putting an end to this project, I'd like to try one last time.

Any feedback (even just based on the trailer or the description) would help me a lot to improve in the future.

I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who would leave a (constructive) comment!

The Protector's Lair

Hi! Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :) 

About developing it further: well, I did what I had planned for this game and told the story I wanted to tell. I don't feel like adding more content with no other motivation than making the game longer. I prefer to focus on improving the existing.

But who knows, maybe one day I'll keep developing this universe, create a sequel, or expand the game. I won't stop making games for sure. But in the short term I need a break ^^

Thanks for the help! I actually already fixed these problems on Saturday :) Everything should work the same on any resolution now.

Hey, thanks for your kind words! And thank you for the video, it means a lot to me, and it's also very useful :) I watched it all and now I have a long list of bugs to fix ^^"

I admire your tenacity in the boss fight, and I am so sorry for the frustrating experience. Actually there is a bug because finding the animal in the thoughts is supposed to be much easier. But I realized it is resolution-dependent. As you have a higher resolution, you have to get much closer to the center of the thought before it appears... I'll make sure to fix that!

Also it's quite interesting that you didn't use the book a lot. It's actually meant to help you solve puzzles in many places, but I'm glad you could find your way through anyway.

Well it was much less than 30 seconds, the expected red dot just never appeared in my case :)


I just tried your game. Very simple indeed. Actually the description on your page confused me a lot but I understood quickly while playing.

Given how small it is there's not much I can say:

  • It's simple and easy to play.
  • It was good enough to distract me for 3 minutes, but after that it becomes quickly boring because it's always the same thing.
  • The sounds are ok but the lack of background sound/music makes it feel too quiet
  • At the end I had no red dot, I ate a red dot and a new orange dot appeared, but no red dot. So I died.
  • Visual effects when moving are nice but can be easily confused with the dots to eat.

Since it's a Unity game it should be really easy to generate an web build so that people can play directly in their browser.

(3 edits)

Hello !

I released my new game recently after 4 years of development with Unity. It's a 2D adventure game, where you have to solve little puzzles by interacting with the creatures around you. You also have two things at your disposal:

  • A book with notes about every plant, tree or animal on the island.
  • The power to penetrate the thoughts of the animals, to get specific information from them.

In this game, you control May, in a short story leading to the Protector's Lair.

I'm looking for feedback and comments on my page! If you're interested, here's the link: The Protector's Lair

The trailer:

Please look at the "Feedback" section on the page to get an idea of the kind of things I'm interested to know.

Looking forward to your feedback!


Cool concept! I like the idea of learning music theory through gameplay. I can't say I learned much but that was interesting and I'm curious how you could teach other concepts of music theory this way.

Some feedback:

  • The visuals are simple, maybe too much, but I like them. Especially the color palette.
  • The game froze at some point, I don't know why. I was standing close to a closed door and pressed space, then for some reason I could not move anymore.
  • I could not defeat the boss. I feel like there might be a bug too, because I was walking on the right notes but nothing happened. Actually, none of the notes was producing any sound, and the partition stayed there eternally. So I had no choice but to quit.
  • The music is okay, though I feel it could be improved. Some parts sounded disonnant, which feels especially wrong for a game teaching music ^^
  • The scenario is quite cliché but it's fun and it's a nice addition.
  • I wish I could unroll the dialogues with the keyboard (just press ENTER) instead of using the mouse only for that. Moreover you have to click on a specific zone of the screen (the "continue" button while it would just be simpler to click anywhere).

That's all I have to say. Congrats on making a game, I'm curious to see where this game can go if you keep developping it :)

Hello !

I played your game for a bit.

- What do you think of the overall feeling (visuals, atmosphere, ...) of the game ?

It's quite basic obviously, but I really enjoyed playing a platformer in space ! The background is beautiful and feeling the void all around you was really interesting for a platformer. The music is simple but it fits well. I think the design/texture of the platforms could be improved though. Playing with a basic shape like that also feels a bit... too basic. Having a fully-animated character might ruin the "abstract" visuals of the game. But more visual effects would be nice.

- Are the player controls and camera movements smooth / enjoyable ? Or frustrating ?

I'd say mostly frustrating. The main problem was that it was really hard to figure out my position in relation to the platforms. With such basic shapes, the perspective does not really allows to know with certitude where things are. The shadow helps a bit but is not enough. The controls are okay otherwise.

- Is it too difficult ? Have you managed to finish it ? If not, where did you quit ?

I stopped at the third level, after having failed countless times on the first two levels. So yes, it's really difficult I think.

That's all I could say about it. Good luck for the future!

(1 edit)


I gave your game a try. I have to admit I did not manage to finish any of the levels (I tried all three of them) so I might have missed a few things.

Here's my feedback:

  • The idea of talking about depression in a fun and colourful platformer was intriguing at least. Apart from the intro and the overlay text (in the "hard" mode) I did not see much more though. If there was more about that, I missed it, so it felt a bit too simple. I think there could be a lot more to do with this idea.
  • The graphics are simple but pleasant. Not sure about the mix of pixel art and smooth graphics
  • The music fits well too.
  • I had no time to read the controls at the beginning. I only had the time to know how to move, then it disappeared automatically. Leaving that screen should be manual to let the user get the controls at its own rythm.
  • The jumps feel weird: when jumping on the first platform I did not think it would work since the jumps huge and slow. It makes it very hard to know whether or not you'll be able to jump from one platform to another (other visual clues would probably help).
  • The game is overall very difficult: every jump must be very precise or you'll fall and restart at the beginning.
  • I did not understand what were the "secrets".
  • The panels with messages are cool.
  • On the 3rd level, I tried to press Escape to quit but the menu did not appear. I had to force close the game.
  • The collisions when jumping on the boxes feel strange: when you're close to the border, the character falls slowly and makes the box move. I think the overall feeling would be improving with less physics simulation.
  • I liked the short intro.
  • Switching between keyboard (for the game itself) and mouse (for the menu) is annoying, I'd like to do everything with the keyboard.
  • I found the portal to your Youtube channel ^^ I found it funny to have a link to an external page from the game itself. I'm thinking it could be an interesting thing to exploit in games.

In any case, congrats for making a game ! I know it's never an easy task. And I hape you're doing well.