Happiness is a warm particle vortex cannon.
- Lextor Mucron, interplanetary crime boss
Fab news! After almost 20 years, finally you can get the entire Infinite Space Trilogy of games all together and only from itch.io. This is very special for us so, to celebrate with you, we thought we'd throw a little party and invite our prices down!
For the next 10 days, Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars (2015) is only $2, Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (Infinite Space II, 2005) is only $1, and Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (Infinite Space I, 2002), newly re-released here, is absolutely free (and will continue to be so).
Get Sea of Stars for $1.99 HERE.
Get Weird Worlds for 99 cents HERE.
Get Sea of Stars and Weird Worlds bundled for $2.50 HERE.
Get Strange Adventures free (itch.io exclusive) HERE.
Thanks, everyone!
Stay safe & be groovy,
Ripcord and the Digital Eel gang