Hey there. I just played your game and made a video about it. I enjoyed playing it, and I got 21 points. It is my record so far. The only thing that I would like to suggest is to make controls less sensitive. It felt uncomfortable to run so far from one side to another. If you want to cut your game from the video, let me know.
Sensitivity for the keyboard input seems way to fast for me, is it multiplied by Time.DeltaTime?
It it is i would consider dividing it by 2 as this is way to fast at least for me.
I would like to have some visual and audio feedback on when i collect a candy something to know that i scored.
At times it was generally difficult for me to track multiple candy peaces falling, as the bg snow effects are a bit much for my taste, maybe try changing contrast between bg and game peaces by slowing down the snow fall speed to make it more distinguishable from the foreground.
On the upper side i love the theme, and the implementation of the idea.
Music is fun and fits the theme.
The game is fun and challenging, and i loved it.
Great job.
Also my high score was 38.
Great job and good luck!